countdown {countdown}R Documentation

Countdown Timer


Creates a countdown timer using HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript, suitable for use in web-based presentations, such as those created by xaringan::infinite_moon_reader().


  minutes = 1L,
  seconds = 0L,
  id = NULL,
  class = NULL,
  style = NULL,
  play_sound = FALSE,
  font_size = "3rem",
  margin = "0.6em",
  padding = "10px 15px",
  bottom = if (is.null(top)) "0",
  right = if (is.null(left)) "0",
  top = NULL,
  left = NULL,
  warn_when = 0L,
  update_every = 1L,
  blink_colon = update_every > 1L,
  start_immediately = FALSE,
  box_shadow = "0px 4px 10px 0px rgba(50, 50, 50, 0.4)",
  border_width = "3px",
  border_radius = "15px",
  line_height = "1",
  color_border = "#ddd",
  color_background = "inherit",
  color_text = "inherit",
  color_running_background = "#43AC6A",
  color_running_border = prismatic::clr_darken(color_running_background, 0.1),
  color_running_text = NULL,
  color_finished_background = "#F04124",
  color_finished_border = prismatic::clr_darken(color_finished_background, 0.1),
  color_finished_text = NULL,
  color_warning_background = "#E6C229",
  color_warning_border = prismatic::clr_darken(color_warning_background, 0.1),
  color_warning_text = NULL

  minutes = 1,
  seconds = 0,
  class = NULL,
  start_immediately = FALSE,
  font_size = "30vw",
  border_width = "0",
  border_radius = "0",
  margin = "0",
  padding = "0",
  top = 0,
  right = 0,
  bottom = 0,
  left = 0



The number of minutes for which the timer should run. This value is added to seconds.


The number of seconds for which the timer should run. This value is added to minutes.


Ignored by countdown(). In countdown_fullscreen(), additional arguments are passed on to countdown().


A optional unique ID for the ⁠<div>⁠ containing the timer. A unique ID will be created if none is specified. All of the timers in a single document need to have unique IDs to function properly. Unless you have a specific reason, it would probably be best to leave this unset.


Optional additional classes to be added to the ⁠<div>⁠ containing the timer. The "countdown" class is added automatically. If you want to modify the style of the timer, you can modify the "countdown" class or specify additional styles here that extend the base CSS.


CSS rules to be applied inline to the timer. Use style to override any global CSS rules for the timer. For example, to display the timer relative to the position where it is called (rather than positioned absolutely, as in the default), set style = "position: relative; width: min-content;".


Play a sound at the end of the timer? If TRUE, plays the "stage complete" sound courtesy of beepr. Alternatively, play_sound can be a relative or absolute URL to a sound file, such as an mp3, wav, ogg, or other audio file type.


The font size of the time displayed in the timer.


The margin applied to the timer container, default is "0.5em".


The padding within the timer container, default is "10px 15px".


Position of the timer within its container. By default the timer is bottom-aligned using bottom = "0". If top is set, bottom defaults to NULL.


Position of the timer within its container. By default the timer is right-aligned using right = "0". If left is set, right defaults to NULL.


Position of the timer within its container. By default top is unset (NULL).


Position of the timer within its container. By default left is unset (NULL).


Change the countdown to "warning" state when warn_when seconds remain. This is achieved by adding the warning class to the timer when warn_when seconds or less remain. Only applied when greater than 0.


Update interval for the timer, in seconds. When this argument is greater than 1, the timer run but the display will only update, once every update_every seconds. The timer will switch to normal second-by-second updating for the last two update_every periods.


Adds an animation to the blink the colon of the digital timer at each second. Because the blink animation is handled via CSS and not by the JavaScript process that decrements the timer, so the animation may fall out of sync with the timer. For this reason, the blink animation is only shown, by default, when update_every is greater than 1, i.e. when the countdown time is updated periodically rather than each second.


If TRUE, the countdown timer starts as soon as its created (or as soon as the slides, document or Shiny app are loaded).


Shadow specification for the timer, set to NULL to remove the shadow.


Width of the timer border (all states).


Radius of timer border corners (all states).


Line height of timer digits text. Use this value to nudge the timer digits up or down vertically. The best value generally depends on the fonts used in your slides or document. The default value is 1.


Color of the timer border when not yet activated.


Color of the timer background when not yet activated.


Color of the timer text when not yet activated.


Color of the timer background when running. Colors are automatically chosen for the running timer border and text (color_running_border and color_running_text, respectively) from the running background color.


Color of the timer border when running.


Color of the timer text when running.


Color of the timer background when finished. Colors are automatically chosen for the finished timer border and text (color_finished_border and color_finished_text, respectively) from the finished background color.


Color of the timer border when finished.


Color of the timer text when finished.


Color of the timer background when the timer is below warn_when seconds. Colors are automatically chosen for the warning timer border and text (color_warning_border and color_warning_text, respectively) from the warning background color.


Color of the timer border when the timer is below warn_when seconds.


Color of the timer text when the timer is below warn_when seconds.


A vanilla JavaScript countdown timer as HTML, with dependencies.


See Also



if (interactive()) {
  countdown(minutes = 0, seconds = 42)

    minutes = 1,
    seconds = 30,
    left = 0,
    right = 0,
    padding = "15px",
    margin = "5%",
    font_size = "6em"

  # For a stand-alone full-screen countdown timer, use countdown_fullscreen()
  # with default parameters.
  countdown_fullscreen(1, 30)

  # For xaringan slides, use percentages for `margin` to set the distance from
  # the edge of the slide and use `font_size` to adjust the size of the digits.
  # If you need to nudge the text up or down vertically, increase or decrease
  # `line_height`.
    minutes = 0,
    seconds = 90,
    margin = "5%",
    font_size = "8em",

  # To position the timer "inline" in R Markdown documents,
  # use the `style` argument on each timer:
  countdown(1, 30, style = "position: relative; width: min-content;")

[Package countdown version 0.4.0 Index]