sphericalRange {countcolors}R Documentation

Find pixels within a target color range defined by a center and search radius


Searches for pixels within a radius of a single color. Draws a sphere around a region of color space in which to search for pixels.


sphericalRange(pixel.array, center, radius, target.color = "green",
  main = "", color.pixels = TRUE, plotting = TRUE)



An image represented as a 3D array (as read in by readJPEG, readPNG, or loadImage) in which to change pixel colors.


A single color (RGB triplet) around which to search. RGB range 0-1 (not 0-255).


A value between 0 and 1 specifying the size of the area around center to search.


Color with which to replace specified pixels. Can be either a an RGB triplet or one of the colors listed by colors.


Optional title to display for image.


Logical. Should a diagnostic image with pixels changed to target.color be returned?


Logical. Should output be plotted in the plot window?


lower and upper should be vectors of length 3 in a 0-1 range, in the order R-G-B. For example, the upper bounds for white would be c(1, 1, 1), and the lower bounds might be c(0.8, 0.8, 0.8). This would search for all pixels where the red value, blue value, AND green value are all between 0.8 and 1.


A list with the following elements:


# Target color: change all of the red flowers to turquoise
flowers <- jpeg::readJPEG(system.file("extdata", "flowers.jpg", package =

# Red:
center <- c(255, 75, 75) / 255

# Setting the radius too low:
red.flowers <- countcolors::sphericalRange(flowers, center = center, radius =
0.05, target.color = "turquoise")

# Setting the radius too high:
red.flowers <- countcolors::sphericalRange(flowers, center = center, radius =
0.4, target.color = "turquoise")

# Setting the radius just right:
red.flowers <- countcolors::sphericalRange(flowers, center = center, radius =
0.2, target.color = "turquoise")

[Package countcolors version 0.9.1 Index]