Correlations in R

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Documentation for package ‘corrr’ version 0.4.4

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as_cordf Coerce lists and matrices to correlation data frames
as_matrix Convert a correlation data frame to matrix format
autoplot.cor_df Create a correlation matrix from a cor_df object
colpair_map Apply a function to all pairs of columns in a data frame
correlate Correlation Data Frame
dice Returns a correlation table with the selected fields only
fashion Fashion a correlation data frame for printing.
first_col Add a first column to a data.frame
focus Focus on section of a correlation data frame.
focus_ Focus on section of a correlation data frame.
focus_if Conditionally focus correlation data frame
network_plot Network plot of a correlation data frame
pair_n Number of pairwise complete cases.
rearrange Re-arrange a correlation data frame
retract Creates a data frame from a stretched correlation table
rplot Plot a correlation data frame.
shave Shave off upper/lower triangle.
stretch Stretch correlation data frame into long format.