correlation {correlation}R Documentation

Correlation Analysis


Performs a correlation analysis. You can easily visualize the result using plot() (see examples here).


  data2 = NULL,
  select = NULL,
  select2 = NULL,
  rename = NULL,
  method = "pearson",
  p_adjust = "holm",
  ci = 0.95,
  bayesian = FALSE,
  bayesian_prior = "medium",
  bayesian_ci_method = "hdi",
  bayesian_test = c("pd", "rope", "bf"),
  redundant = FALSE,
  include_factors = FALSE,
  partial = FALSE,
  partial_bayesian = FALSE,
  multilevel = FALSE,
  ranktransform = FALSE,
  winsorize = FALSE,
  verbose = TRUE,
  standardize_names = getOption("easystats.standardize_names", FALSE),



A data frame.


An optional data frame. If specified, all pair-wise correlations between the variables in data and data2 will be computed.

select, select2

(Ignored if data2 is specified.) Optional names of variables that should be selected for correlation. Instead of providing the data frames with those variables that should be correlated, data can be a data frame and select and select2 are (quoted) names of variables (columns) in data. correlation() will then compute the correlation between data[select] and data[select2]. If only select is specified, all pairwise correlations between the select variables will be computed. This is a "pipe-friendly" alternative way of using correlation() (see 'Examples').


In case you wish to change the names of the variables in the output, these arguments can be used to specify these alternative names. Note that the number of names should be equal to the number of columns selected. Ignored if data2 is specified.


A character string indicating which correlation coefficient is to be used for the test. One of "pearson" (default), "kendall", "spearman" (but see also the robust argument), "biserial", "polychoric", "tetrachoric", "biweight", "distance", "percentage" (for percentage bend correlation), "blomqvist" (for Blomqvist's coefficient), "hoeffding" (for Hoeffding's D), "gamma", "gaussian" (for Gaussian Rank correlation) or "shepherd" (for Shepherd's Pi correlation). Setting "auto" will attempt at selecting the most relevant method (polychoric when ordinal factors involved, tetrachoric when dichotomous factors involved, point-biserial if one dichotomous and one continuous and pearson otherwise). See below the details section for a description of these indices.


Correction method for frequentist correlations. Can be one of "holm" (default), "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "somers" or "none". See stats::p.adjust() for further details.


Confidence/Credible Interval level. If "default", then it is set to 0.95 (⁠95%⁠ CI).


If TRUE, will run the correlations under a Bayesian framework.


For the prior argument, several named values are recognized: "medium.narrow", "medium", "wide", and "ultrawide". These correspond to scale values of 1/sqrt(27), 1/3, 1/sqrt(3) and 1, respectively. See the BayesFactor::correlationBF function.

bayesian_ci_method, bayesian_test

See arguments in model_parameters() for BayesFactor tests.


Should the data include redundant rows (where each given correlation is repeated two times).


If TRUE, the factors are kept and eventually converted to numeric or used as random effects (depending of multilevel). If FALSE, factors are removed upfront.


Can be TRUE or "semi" for partial and semi-partial correlations, respectively.


If partial correlations under a Bayesian framework are needed, you will also need to set partial_bayesian to TRUE to obtain "full" Bayesian partial correlations. Otherwise, you will obtain pseudo-Bayesian partial correlations (i.e., Bayesian correlation based on frequentist partialization).


If TRUE, the factors are included as random factors. Else, if FALSE (default), they are included as fixed effects in the simple regression model.


If TRUE, will rank-transform the variables prior to estimating the correlation, which is one way of making the analysis more resistant to extreme values (outliers). Note that, for instance, a Pearson's correlation on rank-transformed data is equivalent to a Spearman's rank correlation. Thus, using robust=TRUE and method="spearman" is redundant. Nonetheless, it is an easy option to increase the robustness of the correlation as well as flexible way to obtain Bayesian or multilevel Spearman-like rank correlations.


Another way of making the correlation more "robust" (i.e., limiting the impact of extreme values). Can be either FALSE or a number between 0 and 1 (e.g., 0.2) that corresponds to the desired threshold. See the winsorize() function for more details.


Toggle warnings.


This option can be set to TRUE to run insight::standardize_names() on the output to get standardized column names. This option can also be set globally by running options(easystats.standardize_names = TRUE).


Additional arguments (e.g., alternative) to be passed to other methods. See stats::cor.test for further details.


Correlation Types

Partial Correlation

Partial correlations are estimated as the correlation between two variables after adjusting for the (linear) effect of one or more other variable. The correlation test is then run after having partialized the dataset, independently from it. In other words, it considers partialization as an independent step generating a different dataset, rather than belonging to the same model. This is why some discrepancies are to be expected for the t- and p-values, CIs, BFs etc (but not the correlation coefficient) compared to other implementations (e.g., ppcor). (The size of these discrepancies depends on the number of covariates partialled-out and the strength of the linear association between all variables.) Such partial correlations can be represented as Gaussian Graphical Models (GGM), an increasingly popular tool in psychology. A GGM traditionally include a set of variables depicted as circles ("nodes"), and a set of lines that visualize relationships between them, which thickness represents the strength of association (see Bhushan et al., 2019).

Multilevel correlations are a special case of partial correlations where the variable to be adjusted for is a factor and is included as a random effect in a mixed model (note that the remaining continuous variables of the dataset will still be included as fixed effects, similarly to regular partial correlations). The model is a random intercept model, i.e. the multilevel correlation is adjusted for (1 | groupfactor).That said, there is an important difference between using cor_test() and correlation(): If you set multilevel=TRUE in correlation() but partial is set to FALSE (as per default), then a back-transformation from partial to non-partial correlation will be attempted (through pcor_to_cor()). However, this is not possible when using cor_test() so that if you set multilevel=TRUE in it, the resulting correlations are partial one. Note that for Bayesian multilevel correlations, if partial = FALSE, the back transformation will also recompute p-values based on the new r scores, and will drop the Bayes factors (as they are not relevant anymore). To keep Bayesian scores, set partial = TRUE.


Kendall and Spearman correlations when bayesian=TRUE: These are technically Pearson Bayesian correlations of rank transformed data, rather than pure Bayesian rank correlations (which have different priors).


A correlation object that can be displayed using the print, summary or table methods.

Multiple tests correction

The p_adjust argument can be used to adjust p-values for multiple comparisons. All adjustment methods available in p.adjust function stats package are supported.




results <- correlation(iris)

summary(results, redundant = TRUE)

# pipe-friendly usage with  grouped dataframes from {dplyr} package
iris %>%
  correlation(select = "Petal.Width", select2 = "Sepal.Length")

# Grouped dataframe
# grouped correlations
iris %>%
  group_by(Species) %>%

# selecting specific variables for correlation
mtcars %>%
  group_by(am) %>%
    select = c("cyl", "wt"),
    select2 = c("hp")

# supplying custom variable names
correlation(anscombe, select = c("x1", "x2"), rename = c("var1", "var2"))

# automatic selection of correlation method
correlation(mtcars[-2], method = "auto")

[Package correlation version 0.8.5 Index]