Robust Tests for Equal Correlation

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Documentation for package ‘corTest’ version 1.0.7

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construct_network Construct Differential Correlation Network
es A BioConductor ExpressionSet Object Storing Gene Expression Data
fisher_transfer_test Test for equal correlation
generate_data Generate Data for Control Subjects and Case Subjects
genEset Generate an ExpressionSet Object
ghdist generating varibles from g-and-h distribution
plotDiffCor Scatter Plot of 2 Genes for Cases and Controls
st1 Test Differential Correlation Using st1 Method
st2 Test Differential Correlation Using st2 Method
st3 Test Differential Correlation Using st3 Method
st4 Test Differential Correlation Using st4 Method
st5 Test Differential Correlation Using st5 Method
st6 Test Differential Correlation Using st6 Method