ancRECON |
Ancestral state reconstruction |
ConvertPhangornReconstructions |
Convert phangorn reconstruction to a vector |
corDISC |
Correlated evolution binary traits |
corHMM |
Hidden Rates Model |
dev.raydisc |
Evolution of categorical traits |
dropStateMatPars |
Combines several rate class index matrices |
equateStateMatPars |
Combines several rate class index matrices |
fitCorrelationTest |
Test for correlation |
getFullMat |
Combines several rate class index matrices |
getRateCatMat |
Combines several rate class index matrices |
getStateMat4Dat |
Produce an index matrix and legend from a dataset |
makeSimmap |
Simulate a character history |
plotMKmodel |
Plot a Markov model |
plotRECON |
Plot ancestral state reconstructions |
primates |
Example datasets |
primates.paint |
Example datasets |
rayDISC |
Evolution of categorical traits |
rayDISC.example |
Example datasets |