RAYcop {copBasic}R Documentation

The Rayleigh Copula


The Rayleigh copula (Boškoskia and others, 2018) is

CΘ(u,v)=RAY(u,v;Θ)=1+AB\mbox,\mathbf{C}_{\Theta}(u,v) = \mathbf{RAY}(u,v; \Theta) = 1 + A - B\mbox{,}

A=eΘa2a2(ea10Θa2esI0(2a1s)ds1)ds\mbox,A = e^{\Theta a_2 - a_2}\biggl(e^{-a_1}\int_0^{\Theta a_2} e^{-s}I_0\bigl(2\sqrt{a_1 s}\bigr)\,\mathrm{d}s - 1\biggr)\,\mathrm{d}s\mbox{,}

B=ea10a2esI0(2Θa1s)ds\mbox,B = e^{-a_1}\int_0^{a_2}e^{-s}I_0\bigl(2\sqrt{\Theta a_1 s}\bigr)\,\mathrm{d}s\mbox{,}

where a1=log(1u)/(1Θ)a1 = -\log(1-u)/(1-\Theta), a2=log(1v)/(1Θ)a2 = -\log(1-v)/(1-\Theta), Iν(x)I_\nu(x) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order ν\nu (see base::besselI()), and Θ(0,1]\Theta \in (0,1]. The copula, as Θ0+\Theta \rightarrow 0^{+} limits, to the independence coupla (Π(u,v)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v); P) and as Θ1\Theta \rightarrow 1^{-} limits to the comonotonicity copula (M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v); M). Finally, there are formulations of the Rayleigh copula using the Marcum-Q function, but the copBasic developer has not been able to make such work. If the Marcum-Q function could be used, then only one integration and not the two involving the modified Bessel function are possible. Infinite integrations begin occurring in the upper right corner for about Θ>0.995\Theta > 0.995 at which point the M(u,v)\mathbf{M}(u,v) copula is called in the source code.


RAYcop(u, v, para=NULL, rho=NULL, method=c("default"),
             rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.5, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (single element) of parameters—the Θ\Theta parameter of the copula;


Value for Spearman Rho from which parameter Θ\Theta is computed by polynomial approximation and returned. The estimation appears sufficient for most pratical applications (see Examples);


The computational method of integrals associated with the definition of the copula; this is designed for the ability to switch eventually in sources to Marcum-Q function implementation. The definition in January 2023 and default is to call the two Bessel function integrals shown for the definition in this documentation;


Argument of the same name for integrate() call; and


Additional arguments to pass.


Value(s) for the copula are returned.


The documentation in Zeng and other [Part II] appear to have corrected the Marcum-Q function solution to the copula. The essence of that solution is with a Chi-distribution computation the Marcum-Q. Testing indictates that this is a correct solution, but the derivative for the conditional simulation as built into the design of copBasic has difficulties. Perhaps this is related to numerical precision of the Marcum-Q?

  sapply(seq_len(length((u))), function(i) {
    a1 <- -log(1-u[i])
    if(is.infinite(a1)) return(v[i])
    a2 <- -log(1-v[i])
    if(is.infinite(a2)) return(u[i])
    a1 <- exp(log(a1) - log(1-p))
    a2 <- exp(log(a2) - log(1-p))
    a3 <- marcumq.chi(sqrt(2*  a1), sqrt(2*p*a2)) # Zeng and others (Part II)
    a4 <- marcumq.chi(sqrt(2*p*a1), sqrt(2*  a2)) # Zeng and others (Part II)
    zz <- 1 + (1-v[i])*a3 - (1-u[i])*(1-a4)       # Zeng and others (Part II)
    zz[zz < 0] <- 0
    zz[zz > 1] <- 1


W.H. Asquith


Boškoskia, P., Debenjaka, A., Boshkoskab, B.M., 2018, Rayleigh copula for describing impedance data with application to condition monitoring of proton exchange membrane fuel cells: European Journal of Operational Research, v. 266, pp. 269–277, doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2017.08.058.

Zeng, X., Ren, J., Wang, Z., Marshall, S., and Durrani, T., [undated], Copulas for statistical signal processing (Part I)—Extensions and generalization, accessed January 14, 2024, at https://pure.strath.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/34078849/Copulas_Part1_v2_6.pdf.

Zeng, X., Ren, J., Sun, M., Marshall, S., and Durrani, T., [undated], Copulas for statistical signal processing (Part II)—Simulation, optimal selection and practical applications, accessed January 14, 2024, at https://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/48371/1/Copulas_Part2s_v2_5_2.pdf

See Also

M, P


RAYcop(0.2, 0.8, para=0.8) # [1] 0.1994658  (by the dual Bessel functions)

RAYcop(0.8, 0.2, para=RAYcop(rho=rhoCOP(cop=RAYcop, para=0.8)))
# [1] 0.1994651 from polynomial conversion of Rho to Theta

## Not run: 
# Recipe for assembling the Spearman Rho to Theta polynomial in sources.
Thetas <- seq(0, 0.999, by=0.001); RHOs <- NULL
for(p in Thetas) RHOs <- c(RHOs, rhoCOP(cop=RAYcop, para=p))
LM <- lm(Thetas ~ RHOs + I(RHOs^2) + I(RHOs^4) + I(RHOs^6) - 1 )
Rho2Theta <- function(rho) {
  coes <- c(1.32682824, -0.38876290, 0.09072305, -0.02921836)
  sapply(rho, function(r) coes[1]*r^1 + coes[2]*r^2 + coes[3]*r^4 + coes[4]*r^6 )
plot(RHOs, Thetas, type="l", col=grey(0.8), lwd=12, lend=1,
      xlab="Spearman Rho", ylab="Rayleigh Copula Parameter Theta")
lines(RHOs, Rho2Theta(RHOs), col="red", lwd=2) # 
## End(Not run)

[Package copBasic version 2.2.4 Index]