FRECHETcop {copBasic}R Documentation

The Fréchet Family Copula


The Fréchet Family copula (Durante, 2007, pp. 256–259) is

Cα,β(u,v)=FF(u,v)=αM(u,v)+(1αβ)Π(u,v)+βW(u,v)\mbox,\mathbf{C}_{\alpha, \beta}(u,v) = \mathbf{FF}(u,v) = \alpha\mathbf{M}(u,v) + (1-\alpha-\beta)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v)+\beta\mathbf{W}(u,v)\mbox{,}

where α,β0\alpha, \beta \ge 0 and α+β1\alpha + \beta \le 1. The Fréchet Family copulas are convex combinations of the fundamental copulas W\mathbf{W} (Fréchet–Hoeffding lower-bound copula; W), Π\mathbf{\Pi} (independence; P), and M\mathbf{M} (Fréchet–Hoeffding upper-bound copula; M). The copula is comprehensive because both W\mathbf{W} and M\mathbf{M} can be obtained. The parameters are readily estimated using Spearman Rho (ρC\rho_\mathbf{C}; rhoCOP) and Kendall Tau (τC\tau_\mathbf{C}; tauCOP) by

τC=(αβ)(α+β+2)3\mbox and ρC=αβ\mbox.\tau_\mathbf{C} = \frac{(\alpha - \beta)(\alpha + \beta + 2)}{3}\mbox{\ and\ } \rho_\mathbf{C} = \alpha - \beta\mbox{.}

The Fréchet Family copula virtually always has a visible singular component unless α,β=0\alpha, \beta = 0. The copula has respective lower- and upper-tail dependency parameters of λL=α\lambda^L = \alpha and λU=α\lambda^U = \alpha (taildepCOP). Durante (2007, p. 257) reports that the Fréchet Family copula can approximate any bivariate copula in a “unique way” and the error bound can be estimated.


FRECHETcop(u,v, para=NULL, rho=NULL, tau=NULL, par2rhotau=FALSE, ...)



Nonexceedance probability uu in the XX direction;


Nonexceedance probability vv in the YY direction;


A vector (two element) of parameters α\alpha and β\beta;


Spearman Rho from which to estimate the parameters;


Kendall Tau from which to estimate the parameters;


A logical that if TRUE will return an R list of the ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} and τC\tau_\mathbf{C} for the parameters; and


Additional arguments to pass.


The function will check the consistency of the parameters whether given by argument or computed from ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} and τC\tau_\mathbf{C}. The term “Family” is used with this particular copula in copBasic so as to draw distinction to the Fréchet lower- and upper-bound copulas as the two limiting copulas are called.

For no other reason than that it can be easily done and makes a nice picture, loop through a nest of ρ\rho and τ\tau for the Fréchet Family copula and plot the domain of the resulting parameters:

  ops <- options(warn=-1) # warning supression because "loops" are dumb
  taus <- rhos <- seq(-1,1, by=0.01)
  plot(NA, NA, type="n", xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1),
       xlab="Frechet Copula Parameter Alpha",
       ylab="Frechet Copula Parameter Beta")
  for(tau in taus) {
    for(rho in rhos) {
      fcop <- FRECHETcop(rho=rho, tau=tau)
      if(!$para[1])) points(fcop$para[1], fcop$para[2])


Value(s) for the copula are returned using the α\alpha and β\beta as set by argument para; however, if para=NULL and rho and tau are set and compatible with the copula, then {ρC,τC}{α,β}\{\rho_\mathbf{C}, \tau_\mathbf{C}\} \rightarrow \{\alpha, \beta\}, parameter estimation made, and an R list is returned.


A convex combination (convex2COP) of Π\mathbf{\Pi} and M\mathbf{M}, which is a modification of the Fréchet Family, is the Linear Spearman copula:

Cα(u,v)=(1α)Π(u,v)+αM(u,v)\mbox,\mathbf{C}_\alpha(u,v) = (1-\alpha)\mathbf{\Pi}(u,v) + \alpha\mathbf{M}(u,v)\mbox{,}

for 0α10 \le \alpha \le 1, and the parameter is equal to ρC\rho_\mathbf{C}. When the convex combination is used for construction, the complement of the parameter is equal to ρC\rho_\mathbf{C} (e.g. 1α=ρC1-\alpha = \rho_\mathbf{C}; rhoCOP), which can be validated by

  rhoCOP(cop=convex2COP, para=list(alpha=1-0.48, cop1=P, cop2=M)) # 0.4799948


W.H. Asquith


Durante, F., 2007, Families of copulas, Appendix C, in Salvadori, G., De Michele, C., Kottegoda, N.T., and Rosso, R., 2007, Extremes in Nature—An approach using copulas: Springer, 289 p.

See Also

M, P, W


## Not run: 
ppara <- c(0.25, 0.50)
fcop <- FRECHETcop(para=ppara, par2rhotau=TRUE)
RHO <- fcop$rho; TAU <- fcop$tau

level.curvesCOP(cop=FRECHETcop, para=ppara) # Durante (2007, Fig. C.27(b))
mtext("Frechet Family copula")
 UV <- simCOP(n=50, cop=FRECHETcop, para=ppara, ploton=FALSE, points=FALSE)
tau <- cor(UV$U, UV$V, method="kendall" ) # sample Kendall Tau
rho <- cor(UV$U, UV$V, method="spearman") # sample Spearman Rho
spara <- FRECHETcop(rho=rho, tau=tau) # a fitted Frechet Family copula
spara <- spara$para
if([1])) { # now a fittable combination is not guaranteed
   warning("sample rho and tau do not provide valid parameters, ",
           "try another simulation")
} else { # now if fit, draw some red-colored level curves for comparison
   level.curvesCOP(cop=FRECHETcop, para=spara, ploton=FALSE, col=2)
} #
## End(Not run)

[Package copBasic version 2.2.4 Index]