abso_change |
Absolute change |
average_clust |
Unweighted average of countries |
beta_conv |
Beta-convergence statistic |
beta_conv_graph |
Graphical representation based on beta convergence |
check_country |
Check a dataset (tibble) for the presence of countries |
check_data |
Make tests on a dataset (dataframe and tibbles) |
coeu_grad |
Auxiliary function for gradients and delta2 |
coeu_gradV |
Auxiliary function to provide a different object as input |
compo_cond_EUS |
Auxiliary function compo_cond_EUS |
convergEU_glb |
Global objects for convergEU package |
country_ranking |
Ranking of EU countries by time |
dbEUF2018meta |
Metainformation on Eurofound dataset |
dbEurofound |
Eurofound dataset |
dbMetaEUStat |
Eurostat metainformation |
delta_conv |
Delta-convergence statistic |
demea_change |
Calculate changes of deviations from the mean |
departure_best |
Departures from the best country |
departure_best_plot |
Plot of deviations from the best performer |
departure_mean |
Departures from an average |
dev_mean_plot |
Plot of deviations from the mean |
download_indicator_EUS |
Download a dataset (tibble) from Eurostat. |
down_lo_EUS |
Download a dataset (tibble) from Eurostat. |
dow_soc_scor_boa |
Downloader of social scoreboard indicators |
emp_20_64_MS |
Dataset emp_20_64_MS |
extract_indicator_ECG |
Create a dataset (tibble) for an ECG indicator. |
extract_indicator_EIGE |
Create a dataset (tibble) for an EIGE indicator. |
extract_indicator_EUF |
Create a dataset (tibble) for an indicator. |
gamma_conv |
Gamma convergence |
gamma_conv_msteps |
Gamma convergence iterated on several years in pairs |
go_indica_fi |
Create an indicator fiche for a given aggregation of countries. |
go_ms_fi |
Create a country fiche for an indicator |
graph_departure |
Graphical representation based on sigma convergence |
gra_de2_patt |
Values to patterns |
impute_dataset |
Imputation to make a dataset complete |
impu_det_lin |
Imputation of missing values |
map_2_patt_39 |
Values to patterns |
map_2_patt_59 |
Values to patterns |
ma_dataset |
Smoother based on moving average |
ms_dynam |
Member state dynamics |
ms_pattern_39 |
Find patterns for all countries |
ms_pattern_59 |
Find patterns for all countries |
ms_pattern_ori |
Find patterns for all countries |
not_in |
Auxiliary function for membership |
patt_legend |
Graphical legend about time patterns |
patt_legend_39 |
Graphical legend about time patterns |
points2par |
From points to parameters of a straight line |
pop_var |
Population variance and standard deviation |
scoreb_yrs |
Scoreboard of countries |
sigma_conv |
Sigma-convergence statistic |
sigma_conv_graph |
Graphical representation based on sigma convergence |
smoo_dataset |
Smoother based on weighting |
ts_parlin |
Time-indicator serie to straight lines parameters |
upDo_CoDi |
Upward-downward convergence declaration |