aperm.tables | Permute dimensions of tables |
as.array.tables | Convert tables into array |
as.matrix.tables | Convert tables into matrix |
as_tables | As tables |
capply | Apply function over tables |
checkCI | Check conditional independence |
checkCI.array | Check conditional independence |
checkCI.tables | Check conditional independence |
conditional | Get margin of a table or tables |
conditional2 | Get margin of a table or tables |
entropy | Calculate entropy of discrete distribution |
entropy.array | Calculate entropy of discrete distribution |
entropy.default | Calculate entropy of discrete distribution |
entropy.tables | Calculate entropy of discrete distribution |
interactionInf | Interaction information |
interactionInf.default | Interaction information |
intervention | Get margin of a table or tables |
kl | Kullback-Leibler Divergence |
kl.default | Kullback-Leibler Divergence |
kl.tables | Kullback-Leibler Divergence |
margin | Get margin of a table or tables |
margin.tables | Get the marginal distributions |
margin2 | Get margin of a table or tables |
multiInf | Multiinformation |
multiInf.default | Multiinformation |
multiInf.tables | Multiinformation |
mutualInf | (Conditional) mutual information |
mutualInf.default | (Conditional) mutual information |
mutualInf.tables | (Conditional) mutual information |
ntables | Number of tables |
perm_dim | Permute indices for variable 'k' |
print.tables | Print tables |
rcondProbMat | Generate matrix of (conditional) probability distributions |
repTables | Turn distributions into tables |
rprobMat | Generate matrix of (conditional) probability distributions |
tables | Create blank tables |
tdim | Dimension of distributions over contingency tables |
tdim<- | Dimension of distributions over contingency tables |
tdimnames | Dimension names for distributions over contingency tables |
tdimnames<- | Dimension names for distributions over contingency tables |
[.tables | Subset object of class tables |