CKrige {constrainedKriging} | R Documentation |
Constrained, Covariance-matching Constrained and Universal Kriging
Function computes constrained, covariance-matching constrained and universal (external drift) Kriging predictions for points or blocks (of any shape) in a global neighbourhood and for isotropic covariance models.
CKrige(formula, data, locations, object, ...)
## S4 method for signature 'formula,data.frame,formula,preCKrigePolygons'
data, locations, object, method = 2, ex.out = FALSE, ncores = 1L,
fork = !identical(.Platform[["OS.type"]], "windows"))
## S4 method for signature 'formula,data.frame,formula,preCKrigePoints'
data, locations, object, method = 2, ex.out = FALSE)
formula |
a formula for the linear regression model
of the spatial variable in the form |
data |
a data frame with the values of the covariates for the
observations. The names of the covariates used in |
locations |
a one-sided |
object |
either an object of class
“ |
... |
further arguments to control the spatial interpolation method and the output. |
method |
a numeric scalar to choose the Kriging approach:
ex.out |
a logical scalar. If |
ncores |
a positive integer scalar with the number of CPUs to use for parallel computations. |
fork |
a logical scalar to control whether parallel
computations are done by forking using |
The CKrige
function depends on a
output object that contains the parameters of
the isotropic covariance model, the covariates of the prediction
targets and the variance-covariance matrices of the prediction
If ex.out = FALSE
then the function CKrige
returns an object of class “SpatialPointsDataFrame
” or
”. The class of the argument
of CKrige
” or
”) determines whether a
or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
is returned.
Irrespective of the chosen Kriging method, the data frame in the
slot of the returned object contains the columns:
prediction |
a numeric vector with the Kriging predictions by the chosen method. | |
a numeric vector with the root mean square prediction errors (Kriging standard errors). |
For constrained Kriging (argument method = 2
) the data frame
has 3 additional columns, see
P1 |
a numeric vector with
Q1 |
a numeric vector with
K |
a numeric vector with |
For covariance-matching constrained Kriging (argument method =
) the data frame has also 3 additional columns, see
P1.11 |
a numeric vector with first diagonal elements (which correspond to the target blocks) of the matrices
Q1.11 |
a numeric vector with first diagonal elements of the matrices
K.11 |
a numeric vector with first diagonal elements of the matrices of the matrices
If the argument ex.out = TRUE
is used and the argument
is either equal to 1
(universal) or 2
(constrained Kriging) then the function CKrige
returns an
object either of class
” or
”, which are lists with the
following components:
object |
either an object of class
“ |
krig.method |
a numeric scalar, number of the chosen Kriging
parameter |
a list with 2 components. First component
sk.weights |
a matrix with the simple Kriging weights. The ith column contains the simple Kriging weights for the ith prediction target. |
inv.Sigma |
a matrix with the inverse covariance matrix
residuals |
a numeric vector with the generalized least squares residuals of the linear regression. |
If the argument ex.out = TRUE
is used and the argument
is either equal to 3
constrained kriging) then the function CKrige
returns an object
either of class
” or
”, which are lists with the
following components:
object |
either an object of class
“ |
krig.method |
a numeric scalar, number of the chosen Kriging
CMCK.par |
a list of 3 lists with the following components:
parameter |
a list with 2 components. First component
sk.weights |
a list with the simple Kriging weights of all point or polygon neighbourhood configurations (the first columns contain the weights of the target points or blocks of the configurations). |
inv.Sigma |
a matrix with the inverse covariance matrix
residuals |
a numeric vector with the generalized least squares residuals of the linear regression. |
and summary
methods are available for
output object of the classes
” and
Christoph Hofer,
Cressie, N. (2006) Block Kriging for Lognormal Spatial Processes. Mathematical Geology, 38, 413–443, doi:10.1007/s11004-005-9022-8.
Hofer, C. and Papritz, A. (2011). constrainedKriging: an R-package for customary, constrained and covariance-matching constrained point or block Kriging. Computers & Geosciences. 37, 1562–1569, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2011.02.009.
See Also
### load meuse data
data(meuse, package = "sp")
data(meuse.grid, package = "sp")
### convert data frame meuse.grid to SpatialPointsDataFrame
coordinates(meuse.grid) <- ~ x+y
### plot blocks along with observation locations
points(y ~ x, meuse, cex = 0.5)
### example 1: lognormal constrained block Kriging
### cf. Hofer & Papritz, 2011, pp. 1567
### compute the approximated block variance of each block in meuse.blocks
### without any neighbouring blocks (default, required for in universal
### and constrained Kriging) for an exponential covariance function without
### a measurement error, a nugget = 0.15 (micro scale white noise process),
### a partial sill variance = 0.15 and a scale parameter = 192.5
### approximation of block variance by pixels of size 75m x 75m
preCK_block <- preCKrige(newdata = meuse.blocks, model = covmodel(modelname =
"exponential", mev = 0, nugget = 0.05, variance = 0.15,
scale = 192.5), pwidth = 75, pheight = 75)
### block prediction by constrained Kriging on the log scale
### extended output required for backtransformation
CK_block <- CKrige(formula = log(zinc) ~ sqrt(dist), data = meuse,
locations = ~ x+y, object = preCK_block, ex.out = TRUE)
### backtransformation of the CK predictions to original scale
### cf Hofer & Papritz, 2011, eq. (14), p. 1567
### note that Var(\hat{Y}{B}) = Var(Y(B))!
beta <- CK_block$parameter$beta.coef
M <- meuse.blocks@data$M
var.blockmeans <- unlist(preCK_block@covmat)
CK_block$object@data$Zn <- exp(CK_block$object@data$prediction
+ 0.5*(0.2 + beta[2]^2 * M - var.blockmeans))
### upper limits U of the relative 95% prediction intervals for CK
### U multiplied by the predictions CK_block$object@data$Zn gives
### the upper limits of the 95% prediction intervals
CK_block$object@data$U <- exp(CK_block$object@data$prediction
+ 1.96 * CK_block$object@data$ / CK_block$object@data$Zn
### plot the CK predictions of Zn and the upper limits of relative 95%
### prediction intervals by function spplot of sp package
### function ck.colors(n) creates a rainbow-like color vector
breaks <- seq(0, 1850, by = 185)
spplot(CK_block$object, zcol = "Zn", at = breaks, col.regions = ck.colors(10),
colorkey = list(labels = list(at = breaks, labels = breaks)),
main = "CK predictions of Zn block means")
### plot of upper limits of the relative 95% prediction intervals
breaks <- seq(1, 3.2, by = 0.2)
spplot(CK_block$object, zcol = "U", at = breaks, col.regions = ck.colors(11),
colorkey = list(labels = list(at = breaks, labels = breaks)),
main = "Upper limits rel. prediction intervals CK predictions")
### example 2: lognormal covariance-matching constrained block Kriging
### define neighbours by using the poly2nb function of spdep package
if(!requireNamespace("spdep", quietly = TRUE)){
stop("install package spdep to run example")
neighbours_block <- spdep::poly2nb(meuse.blocks)
### neighbours_block should be an object of class "list"
class(neighbours_block) <- "list"
### compute the approximated block variance-covariance matrices of each
### polygon neighbourhood configuration (= target block plus its
### neighbours)
preCMCK_block <- preCKrige(newdata = meuse.blocks, neighbours = neighbours_block,
model = covmodel("exponential", mev = 0, nugget = 0.05, variance = 0.15,
scale = 192.5), pwidth = 75, pheight = 75)
### block prediction by covariance-matching constrained Kriging on log
### scale
CMCK_block <- CKrige(formula = log(zinc) ~ sqrt(dist), data = meuse,
locations = ~ x+y, object = preCMCK_block, method = 3, ex.out = TRUE)
### backtransformation of the CK predictions to the original scale
### cf Hofer & Papritz, 2011, eq. (14), p. 1567
beta <- CMCK_block$parameter$beta.coef
M <- meuse.blocks@data$M
var.blockmeans <- sapply(preCMCK_block@covmat, function(x) x[1, 1])
CMCK_block$object@data$Zn <- exp(CMCK_block$object@data$prediction
+ 0.5*(0.2 + beta[2]^2 * M - var.blockmeans))
### plot the CMCK predictions of Zn by function spplot of sp package
### function ck.colors(n) creates a rainbow-like color vector
breaks <- seq(0, 1850, by = 185)
spplot(CMCK_block$object, zcol = "Zn", at = breaks, col.regions = ck.colors(10),
colorkey = list(labels = list(at = breaks, labels = breaks)),
main = "CMCK predictions of Zn block means")
### example 3: lognormal universal block Kriging
UK_block <- CKrige(formula = log(zinc) ~ sqrt(dist), data = meuse,
locations = ~ x+y, object = preCK_block, method = 1, ex.out = TRUE)
### backtransformation of the CK predictions to the original scale
### cf Hofer & Papritz, 2011, Appendix B, pp. 1568 - 1569
beta <- UK_block$parameter$beta.coef
cov.beta <- UK_block$parameter$cov.beta.coef
M <- meuse.blocks@data$M
var.blockmeans <- unlist(preCK_block@covmat)
SKw <- UK_block$sk.weights
X <- model.matrix(~sqrt(dist), meuse)
XB <- model.matrix(~sqrt(dist), meuse.blocks)
c1 <- 0.5 * (0.2 + beta[2]^2*M - var.blockmeans +
c2 <- rowSums((XB - t(SKw) %*% X) * (XB %*% cov.beta))
UK_block$object@data$Zn <- exp(UK_block$object@data$prediction + c1 - c2)
### upper limits U of the relative 95% prediction intervals for CK
### U multiplied by the predictions UK_block$object@data$Zn gives
### the upper limits of the 95% prediction intervals
UK_block$object@data$U <- exp(UK_block$object@data$prediction
+ 1.96 * UK_block$object@data$ / UK_block$object@data$Zn
### plot the UK predictions of Zn by function spplot of sp package
### function ck.colors(n) creates a rainbow-like color vector
breaks <- seq(0, 1850, by = 185)
spplot(UK_block$object, zcol = "Zn", at = breaks, col.regions = ck.colors(10),
colorkey = list(labels = list(at = breaks, labels = breaks)),
main = "UK predictions of Zn block means")
### plot of upper limits of the relative 95% prediction intervals
breaks <- seq(1, 3.2, by = 0.2)
spplot(UK_block$object, zcol = "U", at = breaks, col.regions = ck.colors(11),
colorkey = list(labels = list(at = breaks, labels = breaks)),
main = "Upper limits rel. prediction intervals UK predictions")
### example 4: constrained point Kriging
### generate point CK preCKrige object for locations in meuse.grid
preCK_point <- preCKrige(newdata = meuse.grid, model = covmodel(modelname =
"exponential", mev = 0, nugget = 0.05, variance = 0.15,
scale = 192.5))
### point prediction by constrained Kriging on the log scale
### no extended output required for backtransformation
CK_point <- CKrige(formula = log(zinc) ~ sqrt(dist), data = meuse,
locations = ~ x+y, object = preCK_point)
### backtransformation of the CK predictions to the original scale
### cf. Cressie, 2006, eq. (20), p. 421
### note that Var(\hat{Y}{s_0}) = Var(Y(s_0))!
CK_point@data$Zn <- exp(CK_point@data$prediction)
### convert results object to SpatialGridDataFrame
gridded(CK_point) <- TRUE
fullgrid(CK_point) <- TRUE
### plot the CK predictions of Zn by function spplot of sp package
breaks <- seq(0, 2600, by = 185)
spplot(CK_point, zcol = "Zn", at = breaks, col.regions = ck.colors(20),
colorkey = list(labels = list(at = breaks, labels = breaks)),
main = "CK predictions of Zn point values")
### example 5: covariance-matching constrained point Kriging
### define 4 nearest neighbours to each grid location by using the
### knearneigh function of the spdep package
if(!requireNamespace("spdep", quietly = TRUE)){
stop("install package spdep to run example")
neighbours_point <- spdep::knearneigh(meuse.grid, k = 4)
### convert matrix with neighbours indices to list
neighbours_point <- apply(neighbours_point$nn, 1, FUN = function(x) x,
simplify = FALSE)
### generate point CMCK preCKrige object for locations in meuse.grid
preCMCK_point <- preCKrige(newdata = meuse.grid, neighbours = neighbours_point,
model = covmodel(modelname = "exponential", mev = 0, nugget = 0.05,
variance = 0.15, scale = 192.5))
### point prediction by covariance-matching constrained Kriging on the log
### scale
### no extended output required for backtransformation
CMCK_point <- CKrige(formula = log(zinc) ~ sqrt(dist), data = meuse,
locations = ~ x+y, object = preCMCK_point, method = 3)
### backtransformation of the CMCK predictions to the original scale
### cf. Cressie, 2006, eq. (20), p. 421
### note that Var(\hat{Y}{s_0}) = Var(Y(s_0))!
CMCK_point@data$Zn <- exp(CMCK_point@data$prediction)
### convert results object to SpatialGridDataFrame
gridded(CMCK_point) <- TRUE
fullgrid(CMCK_point) <- TRUE
### plot the CMCK predictions of Zn by function spplot of sp package
breaks <- seq(0, 2600, by = 185)
spplot(CMCK_point, zcol = "Zn", at = breaks, col.regions = ck.colors(20),
colorkey = list(labels = list(at = breaks, labels = breaks)),
main = "CMCK predictions of Zn point values")
### example 6: universal point Kriging
UK_point <- CKrige(formula = log(zinc) ~ sqrt(dist), data = meuse,
locations = ~ x+y, object = preCK_point, method = 1, ex.out = TRUE)
### backtransformation of the UK predictions to the original scale cf.
### Cressie, 2006, eq. (20), p. 421 and Hofer & Papritz, 2011, Appendix
### B, p. 1569
cov.beta <- UK_point$parameter$cov.beta.coef
SKw <- UK_point$sk.weights
X <- model.matrix(~sqrt(dist), meuse)
Xgrid <- model.matrix(~sqrt(dist), meuse.grid)
### universal kriging variances
c1 <- 0.5 * UK_point$object@data$^2
### \psi^' x(s_0)
c2 <- rowSums((Xgrid - t(SKw) %*% X) * (Xgrid %*% cov.beta))
UK_point$object@data$Zn <- exp(UK_point$object@data$prediction + c1 - c2)
### convert results object to SpatialGridDataFrame
gridded(UK_point$object) <- TRUE
fullgrid(UK_point$object) <- TRUE
### plot the CMCK predictions of Zn by function spplot of sp package
breaks <- seq(0, 2600, by = 185)
spplot(UK_point$object, zcol = "Zn", at = breaks, col.regions = ck.colors(20),
colorkey = list(labels = list(at = breaks, labels = breaks)),
main = "UK predictions of Zn point values")