find_method {conserveR}R Documentation

Identify Most Suitable Methods for Conservation Prioritization


Identifies suitable methods for conservation prioritization based on a user dialogue on conservation targets and data availability.


find_method(ranking = "both", weights = NULL)



character string. The methods used for ranking the methods. See details. One of "both", "strict", "inclusive". Default = "both".


named list. Provide numeric values to weight questions differently. See details.


Based on the ranking argument, the conservation prioritization methods in the database are ranked according to the user-provided information. If ranking = "strict" methods receive one point for each full agreement with user reply (yes and no), if ranking = "inclusive", methods get one point when they include a feature confirmed by the user (but non for not including it). This means that ranking = "inclusive" will likely return more general methods that can include many different types of data and perspectives. If ranking = "both", methods are first ranked as in strict and then equal ranks split by the inclusive ranking.

The weight argument allows to change the weighting of individual questions relative to the others. The names of the list follow names(traits), from “scale” (for question 1) to “includes_simulation” (for question 17). The weights may include any numbers of questions. See examples


a data.frame containing potentially suitable spatial conservation prioritization methods order by goodness of fit according to the user-selected algorithm (best fit on top). Furthermore prints the three most suitable methods to screen.


## Not run: 
#double weight to question 3 and 15
find_method(weights = list(phylogeny = 2, vulnerability = 2))

## End(Not run)

[Package conserveR version 1.0.4 Index]