An Implementation of Parsing and Writing Configuration File (JSON/INI/YAML/TOML)

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Documentation for package ‘configr’ version 0.3.5

Help Pages Function to access external helps about configurations format or other related information
config.list.merge Merge list file (From config package), list.right will overwrite the element also existed in list.left
config.sections.del Delete sections in config, just do config[sections] <- NULL
configr configr package
convert.config Covert configuration file from JSON/INI/YAML/TOML to JSON/INI/YAML
eval.config Read from the currently active configuration (JSON/INI/YAML/TOML be supported), 'retreiving either a single named value or all values as a config obj which have 'config', 'configtype', 'file' 'property.
eval.config.merge Merge config parameter sets by sections.
eval.config.sections Get config file parameter sections
fetch.config Fetch configuration file and generate a merged list
get.config.type Get config file type retreiving json/ini/yaml or FALSE Test active configuration Test active configuration file
is.ini.file Function to check wheather file is INI format
is.json.file Function to check wheather file is JSON format
is.toml.file Function to check wheather file is TOML format
is.yaml.file Function to check wheather file is YAML format
parse.extra Parse the configuration var format, and replace it by extra.list values
read.config Read from the file (JSON/INI/YAML/TOML be supported), retreiving all values as a list.
str2config Parse configuration string to R list object.
write.config Write config in a file (JSON/YAML/INI)