Contrast Trees and Boosting

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Documentation for package ‘conTree’ version 0.3-1

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conTree-package Contrast and Boosted Trees
age_data Age and Demographics data
air_quality Air Quality Data from UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository
bootcri Build contrast tree
census Census Data Example from UC Irvine Machine Learning Repository
contrast Build contrast tree
getnodes Get terminal node observation assignments
lofcurve Produce lack-of-fit curve for a contrast tree
modtrast Build contrast tree
nodeplots Summarize contrast tree
nodesum Summarize contrast tree
onesample_parameters Return the one sample parameters used in fortran discrepancy functions
predtrast Predict y-values from boosted contrast model
prune Prune a contrast tree
prune.seq Show all possible pruned subtrees
save_rfun Save the function f for calling from fortran
treesum Print terminal node x-region boundaries
twosample_parameters Return the one sample parameters used in fortran discrepancy functions
xval Cross-validate boosted contrast tree boosted with (new) data
ydist Transform z-values t(z) such that the distribution of p(t(z) | x) approximates p(t(y | x) for type = 'dist' only