A Combined Interaction Test for Unreplicated Two-Way Tables

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Boik_test Boik's (1993) Locally Best Invariant (LBI) Test
CI_test Combined Interaction Test
CNV Copy number variation (CNV).
Franck_test Franck's (2013) et al. test for Interaction
IDCP Impurity data in a chemical product (IDCP).
interaction_plot Interaction Plot
KKM_test Kharrati-Kopaei and Miller's (2016) Test for Interaction
KKSA_test Kharrati-Kopaei and Sadooghi-Alvandi's (2007) test for interaction
Malik_test Malik's (2016) et al. Test for Interaction
MVGH The mean values of growth hormone (MVGH).
Piepho_test Piepho's (1994) Test for Interaction
RDWW Ratio of dry to wet wheat (RDWW).