Optimized Rendering of Fold Changes and Confidence Values

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Documentation for package ‘colorpatch’ version 0.1.2

Help Pages

colorpatch-package A small introduction to the colorpatch package.
append-method Appends two palettes to form a single palette.
apply.color Applies a function to each entry of a colorspace::color palette.
as Transforms palette to list of single colors.
as.list Creates a list with single colors from a palette.
as.list-method Creates a list with single colors from a palette.
ColorDistance Computes the perceptional distance between two neighboring colors
colorpatch A small introduction to the colorpatch package.
ColorPatchColorFun Creates a color function mapping (ratio, conf) tuples to a single color
ColorPatchSizeFun Creates a size function mapping (ratio, conf) to a single color
ColorRgbFun Creates a color mapping function
ComputeSymmetry Computes the symmetry of a given bi-variate color palette
CreateClusteredData Creates clustered random data
CreateExampleData Creates demonstration data of the colorpatch package
DistColor Computes the distance of to colors within a certain colorspace
DistColorFun Creates a color distance function
FindUniformSequence Finds a uniform color sequence within a non-uniform palette by subsampling that palette
GeneratePalettes Creates color palettes and saves them as files
GreenRedRGB Standard RGB Green/Red two-sided color scale.
HsvColorFun Creates a color function mapping ratio/conf values to a HSV colorspace
HsvSizeFun Creates a size function mapping ratio/conf to a patch size for bicolorings
InterpolateColorFun Linear interpolation within a colorspace::color palette
length-method Returns the length of a palette (the number of entries).
LinColorSpace Creates a linear color space between two colors
OptimBlueYellowLAB Optimum RGB Blue/Yellow two-sided color scale in LAB color space.
OptimGreenRedLAB Optimum RGB Green/Red two-sided color scale in LAB color space.
OptimizeBiColor Optimizes a bicolor palette
OrderData Orders rows and columns of data.
OrderDataHclust Orders rows and column distances with 'stats::hclust()'
OrderDataTSP Orders rows and column distances with traveling salesman ordering TSP
OrderWithTSP Orders a data set given a distance matrix with TSP
PlotSymmetry Plots the symmetry of a bivariate color scale
PlotUniformity Plots the uniformity of a color palette
ReadArraySRGB Reads a sRGB color table as CSV file
StatColorPatch A ggplot2::ggproto class for showing color patches.
stat_bicolor Plots a ratio/confidence plot using a bivariate colormap
stat_colorpatch A stat function for the use with ggplot2
theme_colorpatch A ggplot2 theme for rendering colorpatches (black background)
ToDataFrame Transforms a ratio/conf data set to a ggplot dataframe