map_single {colorist}R Documentation

Visualize distributions in a single map


This function enables visualization of distributional information in a single map by combining distribution metrics and an HCL color palette.


  lambda_i = 0,
  lambda_s = 0,
  return_type = c("plot", "stack", "df")



RasterStack of distributions processed by metrics_pull() or metrics_distill().


data frame containing an HCL color palette generated using palette_timecycle(), palette_timeline(), or palette_set().


integer (or character) corresponding to the layer ID (or name) of layer. A single distribution from within x is mapped when the layer argument is specified. The layer argument is ignored if metrics_distill() was used to generate x.


number that allows visual tuning of intensity values via the scales::modulus_trans() function (see Details). Negative numbers increase the opacity of cells with low intensity values. Positive numbers decrease the opacity of cells with low intensity values.


number that allows visual tuning of specificity values via the scales::modulus_trans() function (see Details). Negative numbers increase the chroma of cells with low specificity values. Positive numbers decrease the chroma of cells with low specificity values.


character specifying whether the function should return a ggplot2 plot object ("plot"), RasterStack ("stack"), or data frame ("df"). The default is to return a ggplot2 object.


The lambda_i parameter allows for visual tuning of intensity values with unusual distributions. For example, distributions often contain highly skewed intensity values because individuals spend a vast majority of their time within a relatively small area or because populations are relatively dense during some seasons and relatively dispersed during others. This can make visualizing distributions a challenge. The lambda_i parameter transforms intensity values via the scales::modulus_trans() function, allowing users to adjust the relative visual weight of high and low intensity values.

The lambda_s parameter allows for visual tuning of specificity values via the scales::modulus_trans() function. Adjustment of lambda_s affects the distribution of chroma values across areas of relatively low and high specificity, thus modifying information available to viewers. USE WITH CAUTION!


By default, or when return_type = "plot", the function returns a map that is a ggplot2 plot object.

When return_type = "stack", the function returns a RasterStack containing five layers that enable RGBa visualization of a map using other R packages or external GIS software:

When return_type = "df", the function returns a data frame containing seven columns:

See Also

Other map: map_multiples()


# load elephant data

# prepare metrics
r <- metrics_distill(elephant_ud)

# generate palette
pal <- palette_set(elephant_ud)

# produce map, adjusting lambda_i to make areas that were used less
# intensively more conspicuous
map_single(r, pal, lambda_i = -5)

# return RasterStack containing RGBa values
m <- map_single(r, pal, lambda_i = -5, return_type = "stack")

# visualize RGBa values
plotRGB(m, 1, 2, 3, alpha = as.vector(m[[4]]))

[Package colorist version 0.1.3 Index]