chisqDistance | Chi-square distance between vectors |
colorDistance | Sum of Euclidean distances between color clusters |
combineClusters | Average 3D color histograms by subdirectory |
combineList | Combine a list of cluster features into a single cluster set |
convertColorSpace | Convert between color spaces |
EMDistance | Earth mover's distance between two sets of color clusters |
exportTree | Export a distance matrix as a tree object |
extractClusters | Extract cluster values and sizes from kmeans fit objects |
getColorDistanceMatrix | Distance matrix for a list of color cluster sets |
getHistColors | Vector of hex colors for histogram bin coloration |
getHistList | Generate a list of cluster sets for multiple images |
getImageHist | Generate a 3D histogram based on color distribution in an image |
getImagePaths | Fetch paths to all valid images in a given directory |
getKMeanColors | Fit pixels to clusters using KMeans clustering |
getKMeansList | Get KMeans clusters for every image in a set |
getLabHist | Generate a 3D histogram based on CIE Lab color coordinates in an image |
getLabHistList | Generate a list of cluster sets in CIE Lab color space |
heatmapColorDistance | Plot a heatmap of a distance matrix |
imageClusterPipeline | Generate and plot a color distance matrix from a set of images |
loadImage | Import image and generate filtered 2D pixel array(s) |
normalizeRGB | Normalize pixel RGB ratios |
orderClusters | Order color clusters to minimize overall color distance between pairs |
pause | Pause and wait for user input |
plotClusters | Plot clusters in 3D color space |
plotClustersMulti | Plot several different cluster sets together |
plotHist | Color histogram of binned image |
plotImage | Display an image in a plot window |
plotPixels | Plot pixels in color space |
removeBackground | Remove background pixels in image |
scatter3dclusters | Plot 3D clusters in a 2D plot |
weightedPairsDistance | Distance between color clusters with user-specified color/size weights |