Colorful Data Frames in R Terminal

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Documentation for package ‘colorDF’ version 0.1.7

Help Pages

colorDF-package colorDF – colorful data frames in your terminal
add_colorDF_theme Add a new theme
as.colorDF Make a dataframe colorful
colorDF Make a dataframe colorful
colorDF-global-options Global options for colorDF
colorDF_options Global options for colorDF
colorDF_themes List all available themes for colorful data frames
colorDF_themes_show Demonstrate all defined themes
col_type Set or retrieve a column type
col_type<- Set or retrieve a column type
df_search Search and highlight occurences of a pattern
df_style Get or set style of a colorful data frame
df_style<- Get or set style of a colorful data frame
example_colorDF Example data frame for colorDF
format_col Format a vector using styles
get_colorDF_theme Return a style defined in a theme
highlight Highlight some rows in a data frame
is.colorDF Test whether an object has the class of colorDF
print.colorDF Print method for colorful data frames
print_colorDF Print method for colorful data frames
remove_df_style Remove the colorful dataframe style attribute
summary.colorDF Meaningful summary of lists and data frames
summary_colorDF Meaningful summary of lists and data frames
term_boxplot Boxplot in a terminal
uncolor Strip the colorDF class and style