summary-methods {cold}R Documentation

Methods for function summary


Summarize objects.


## S4 method for signature 'cold'
summary(object, cov=FALSE, cor=FALSE)



an object of class cold.


if set to TRUE prints the matrix of covariances between parameters estimates. The default is FALSE.


if set to TRUE prints the matrix of correlations between parameters estimates. The default is FALSE.


Computes and returns a list of summary statistics of the fitted model given a cold object, using the components (list elements) "call" and "terms" from its argument, plus depending on the structure of the dependence model chosen. In the table for coefficient estimates will appear rho if the dependence structure of the process corresponds to an AR1, AR1R or AR1R2. If the structure of the dependence model chosen includes the random intercept (models "indR" and "AR1R"), the variance estimate for random intercept is given. If the structure of the dependence model chosen includes two random effects (models "indR2" and "AR1R2") the variance estimates for random intercept and for the slope (time) are given.


signature(object = "ANY"):

Generic function.

signature(object = "cold"):

Prints a summary as an object of class summary.cold, containing information about the matched call to cold, the number of profiles in the data, the number of profiles used in the fit, the log-likelihood, the AIC, a table with estimates, asymptotic SE, t-values and p-values, the estimated correlation and variance-covariance matrix for the estimated parameters if the user wishes, and a message giving additional information returned by the optimizer.

[Package cold version 2.0-3 Index]