cocor-package |
Comparing Correlations |
aptitude |
Sample dataset: aptitude |
as.htest |
Convert to a list of class 'htest' |
as.htest-method |
Convert to a list of class 'htest' |
cocor |
Compare two correlations based on either dependent or independent groups |
cocor.dep.groups.nonoverlap |
Compare two nonoverlapping correlations based on dependent groups |
cocor.dep.groups.overlap |
Compare two overlapping correlations based on dependent groups |
cocor.indep.groups |
Compare two correlations based on independent groups |
get.cocor.input |
Get input parameters of a cocor result object |
get.cocor.input-method |
Get input parameters of a cocor result object |
get.cocor.results |
Get result parameters of a cocor result object |
get.cocor.results-method |
Get result parameters of a cocor result object |