goldparticle {coconots}R Documentation

Time Series of Gold particles Counts in a well-efined Colloidal Solution


A sample of 370 counts of gold particles in a well-defined colloidal solution at equidistant points in time, originally published in Westgren (1916) and used in Jung and Tremanye (2006).


R.C. Jung, A.R. Tremayne (2006) Coherent forecasting in integer time series models. International Journal of Forecasting 22, 223–238

Westgren, A. (1916) Die Veraenderungsgeschwindigkeit der lokalen Teilchenkonzentration in kollioden Systemen (Erste Mitteilung). Arkiv foer Matematik, Astronomi och Fysik, 11, 1–24.

[Package coconots version 1.1.3 Index]