Collective Matrix Factorization for Recommender Systems

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Documentation for package ‘cmfrec’ version 3.5.1-3

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cmfrec-package cmfrec package
CMF Matrix Factorization Models
CMF.from.model.matrices Create a CMF model object from fitted matrices
cmfrec cmfrec package
CMF_implicit Matrix Factorization Models
ContentBased Matrix Factorization Models
drop.nonessential.matrices Drop matrices that are not used for prediction
factors Calculate latent factors on new data
factors.CMF Calculate latent factors on new data
factors.CMF_implicit Calculate latent factors on new data
factors.ContentBased Calculate latent factors on new data
factors.OMF_explicit Calculate latent factors on new data
factors.OMF_implicit Calculate latent factors on new data
factors_single Calculate latent factors for a new user
factors_single.CMF Calculate latent factors for a new user
factors_single.CMF_implicit Calculate latent factors for a new user
factors_single.ContentBased Calculate latent factors for a new user
factors_single.OMF_explicit Calculate latent factors for a new user
factors_single.OMF_implicit Calculate latent factors for a new user
fit_models Matrix Factorization Models
imputeX Impute missing entries in 'X' data
item_factors Determine latent factors for a new item
MostPopular Matrix Factorization Models
OMF_explicit Matrix Factorization Models
OMF_implicit Matrix Factorization Models
precompute.for.predictions Precompute matrices to use for predictions
predict.cmfrec Predict entries in the factorized 'X' matrix
predict_new Predict entries in new 'X' data
predict_new.CMF Predict entries in new 'X' data
predict_new.CMF_implicit Predict entries in new 'X' data
predict_new.ContentBased Predict entries in new 'X' data
predict_new.OMF_explicit Predict entries in new 'X' data
predict_new.OMF_implicit Predict entries in new 'X' data
predict_new_items Predict new columns of 'X' given item attributes
print.cmfrec Get information about factorization model
summary.cmfrec Get information about factorization model
swap.users.and.items Swap users and items in the model
topN Calulate top-N predictions for a new or existing user
topN_new Calulate top-N predictions for a new or existing user
topN_new.CMF Calulate top-N predictions for a new or existing user
topN_new.CMF_implicit Calulate top-N predictions for a new or existing user
topN_new.ContentBased Calulate top-N predictions for a new or existing user
topN_new.OMF_explicit Calulate top-N predictions for a new or existing user
topN_new.OMF_implicit Calulate top-N predictions for a new or existing user