xclara {cluster}R Documentation

Bivariate Data Set with 3 Clusters


An artificial data set consisting of 3000 points in 3 quite well-separated clusters.




A data frame with 3000 observations on 2 numeric variables (named V1 and V2) giving the xx and yy coordinates of the points, respectively.


Our version of the xclara is slightly more rounded than the one from read.table("xclara.dat") and the relative difference measured by all.equal is 1.15e-7 for V1 and 1.17e-7 for V2 which suggests that our version has been the result of a options(digits = 7) formatting.

Previously (before May 2017), it was claimed the three cluster were each of size 1000, which is clearly wrong. pam(*, 3) gives cluster sizes of 899, 1149, and 952, which apart from seven “outliers” (or “mislabellings”) correspond to observation indices {1:900}\{1:900\}, {901:2050}\{901:2050\}, and {2051:3000}\{2051:3000\}, see the example.


Sample data set accompanying the reference below (file ‘xclara.dat’ in side ‘clus_examples.tar.gz’).


Anja Struyf, Mia Hubert & Peter J. Rousseeuw (1996) Clustering in an Object-Oriented Environment. Journal of Statistical Software 1. doi:10.18637/jss.v001.i04


## Visualization: Assuming groups are defined as {1:1000}, {1001:2000}, {2001:3000}
plot(xclara, cex = 3/4, col = rep(1:3, each=1000))
p.ID <- c(78, 1411, 2535) ## PAM's medoid indices  == pam(xclara, 3)$id.med
text(xclara[p.ID,], labels = 1:3, cex=2, col=1:3)

 px <- pam(xclara, 3) ## takes ~2 seconds
 cxcl <- px$clustering ; iCl <- split(seq_along(cxcl), cxcl)
 boxplot(iCl, range = 0.7, horizontal=TRUE,
         main = "Indices of the 3 clusters of  pam(xclara, 3)")

 ## Look more closely now:
 bxCl <- boxplot(iCl, range = 0.7, plot=FALSE)
 ## We see 3 + 2 + 2 = 7  clear "outlier"s  or "wrong group" observations:
 with(bxCl, rbind(out, group))
 ## out   1038 1451 1610   30  327  562  770
 ## group    1    1    1    2    2    3    3
 ## Apart from these, what are the robust ranges of indices? -- Robust range:
 t(iR <- bxCl$stats[c(1,5),])
 ##    1  900
 ##  901 2050
 ## 2051 3000
 gc <- adjustcolor("gray20",1/2)
 abline(v = iR, col = gc, lty=3)
 axis(3, at = c(0, iR[2,]), padj = 1.2, col=gc, col.axis=gc)

[Package cluster version 2.1.6 Index]