average_degree |
Average Degree |
average_odf |
Average Out Degree Fraction |
barabasi_albert_blocks |
Generates a Barabási-Albert graph with community structure |
boot_alg_list |
Performs nonparametric bootstrap to a graph and a list of clustering algorithms |
conductance |
Conductance |
contingency_to_membership_vectors |
Computes possible membership vectors from contingency table |
count_contingency_tables_log |
Natural logarithm of the number of contingency tables |
coverage |
Coverage |
cut_ratio |
Cut Ratio |
density_ratio |
Density Ratio |
edges_inside |
Edges Inside |
estimate_H_fraction_r_rows |
Estimates |H_0|/|H_r*| |
evaluate_significance |
Evaluates significance of cluster algorithm results on a graph |
evaluate_significance_r |
Evaluates the significance of a graph's clusters |
expansion |
Expansion |
FOMD (Fraction Over Median Degree) |
g_forex |
Forex correlation network |
igraph_to_edgelist |
Returns edgelist with weights from a weighted igraph graph |
internal_density |
Internal Density |
make_graph_weighted |
Make graph weighted |
max_odf |
Max Out Degree Fraction |
normalized_cut |
Normalized cut |
out_degree_fractions |
Maximum, Average, and Flake Out Degree Fractions of a Graph Partition |
reduced_mutual_information |
Reduced Mutual Information |
relabel |
Relabels membership vector |
rewireCpp |
Randomizes a weighted graph while keeping the degree distribution constant. |
scoring_functions |
Scoring Functions of a Graph Partition |
sort_matrix |
Sort matrix |
triangle_participation_ratio_communities |
Triangle Participation Ratio (community-wise) |
weighted_clustering_coefficient |
Weighted clustering coefficient of a weighted graph. |
weighted_transitivity |
Weighed transitivity of a weighted graph. |