CCRls |
Sequential CCR |
CCRls.coord |
Linear regression via coordinate descent with covariate clustering |
CCRseqk |
Sequential CCR with k clusters |
chmod |
Model criterion function |
chmod.gammainverse |
Regression - gammainverse class |
chmod.gammalog |
Regression - gammalog class |
chmod.lm |
Regression - lm class |
chmod.logit |
Regression - logit class |
chmod.negbin |
Regression - negbin class |
chmod.poissonidentity |
Regression - poissonidentity class |
chmod.poissonlog |
Regression - poissonlog class |
chmod.poissonsqrt |
Regression - poissonsqrt class |
chmod.probit |
Regression - probit class |
chmod.qreg |
Regression - qreg class |
c_chmod |
Concrete class constructor |
dcluspar |
Clustering of vector elements |
goldensearch |
Golden Section Search Algorithm |
goldopt |
Integer Golden Search Minimisation |
linrclus |
Linear regression via coordinate descent with covariate clustering |
netdat |
Construct a network design matrix |