cl_validity {clue}R Documentation

Validity Measures for Partitions and Hierarchies


Compute validity measures for partitions and hierarchies, attempting to measure how well these clusterings capture the underlying structure in the data they were obtained from.


cl_validity(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
cl_validity(x, d, ...)



an object representing a partition or hierarchy.


a dissimilarity object from which x was obtained.


arguments to be passed to or from methods.


cl_validity is a generic function.

For partitions, its default method gives the “dissimilarity accounted for”, defined as 1aw/at1 - a_w / a_t, where ata_t is the average total dissimilarity, and the “average within dissimilarity” awa_w is given by

i,jkmikmjkdiji,jkmikmjk\frac{\sum_{i,j} \sum_k m_{ik}m_{jk} d_{ij}}{ \sum_{i,j} \sum_k m_{ik}m_{jk}}

where dd and mm are the dissimilarities and memberships, respectively, and the sums are over all pairs of objects and all classes.

For hierarchies, the validity measures computed by default are “variance accounted for” (VAF, e.g., Hubert, Arabie & Meulman, 2006) and “deviance accounted for” (DEV, e.g., Smith, 2001). If u is the ultrametric corresponding to the hierarchy x and d the dissimilarity x was obtained from, these validity measures are given by

VAF=max(0,1i,j(dijuij)2i,j(dijmean(d))2)\mathrm{VAF} = \max\left(0, 1 - \frac{\sum_{i,j} (d_{ij} - u_{ij})^2}{ \sum_{i,j} (d_{ij} - \mathrm{mean}(d)) ^ 2}\right)


DEV=max(0,1i,jdijuiji,jdijmedian(d))\mathrm{DEV} = \max\left(0, 1 - \frac{\sum_{i,j} |d_{ij} - u_{ij}|}{ \sum_{i,j} |d_{ij} - \mathrm{median}(d)|}\right)

respectively. Note that VAF and DEV are not invariant under rescaling u, and may be “arbitrarily small” (i.e., 0 using the above definitions) even though u and d are “structurally close” in some sense.

For the results of using agnes and diana, the agglomerative and divisive coefficients are provided in addition to the default ones.


A list of class "cl_validity" with the computed validity measures.


L. Hubert, P. Arabie and J. Meulman (2006). The structural representation of proximity matrices with MATLAB. Philadelphia, PA: SIAM.

T. J. Smith (2001). Constructing ultrametric and additive trees based on the L1L_1 norm. Journal of Classification, 18/2, 185–207.

See Also

cluster.stats in package fpc for a variety of cluster validation statistics; fclustIndex in package e1071 for several fuzzy cluster indexes; clustIndex in package cclust; silhouette in package cluster.

[Package clue version 0.3-65 Index]