MortalityRates {clubSandwich} | R Documentation |
State-level annual mortality rates by cause among 18-20 year-olds
A dataset containing state-level annual mortality rates for select causes of death, as well as data related to the minimum legal drinking age and alcohol consumption.
A data frame with 5508 rows and 12 variables:
- year
Year of observation
- state
identifier for state
- count
Number of deaths
- pop
Population size
- legal
Proportion of 18-20 year-old population that is legally allowed to drink
- beertaxa
Beer taxation rate
- beerpercap
Beer consumption per capita
- winepercap
Wine consumption per capita
- spiritpercap
Spirits consumption per capita
- totpercap
Total alcohol consumption per capita
- mrate
Mortality rate per 10,000
- cause
Cause of death
Mastering 'Metrics data archive
Angrist, J. D., and Pischke, J. S. (2014). _Mastering'metrics: the path from cause to effect_. Princeton University Press, 2014.
Carpenter, C., & Dobkin, C. (2011). The minimum legal drinking age and public health. _Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25_(2), 133-156. doi:10.1257/jep.25.2.133