Central Limit Theorem Experiments (Theoretical and Simulation)

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Documentation for package ‘clttools’ version 1.3

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beta.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of simulated Beta distribution
binom.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of simulated Binomial distribution
chisq.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of simulated Chi-Squared distribution
coin Theoretical Probability Distribution of Flipping Coins
coin.plot Theoretical Probability Distribution Plot of Flipping Coins
coin.simu Probability Distribution of Simulated Coins Flipping
coin.simu.plot Probability Distribution Plot of Simulated Coins Flipping
dice Theoretical Probability Distribution of Rolling Dice
dice.plot Theoretical Probability Distribution Plot of Rolling Dice
dice.simu Probability Distribution of Simulated Dice Rolling
dice.simu.plot Probability Distribution Plot of Simulated Dice Rolling
distr.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of any given continuous distribution
expo.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of simulated Exponential distribution
expt Theoretical Probability Distribution of General Experiment
expt.mse Mean square error of simulated experiments
expt.plot Theoretical Probability Distribution Plot of General Experiment
expt.simu Probability Distribution of Simulated General Experiments
expt.simu.plot Probability Distribution Plot of Simulated General Experiments
gamm.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of simulated Gamma distribution
geom.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of simulated Geometric distribution
hyper.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of simulated Hypergeometric distribution
nbinom.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of simulated Negative Binomial distribution
normal.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of simulated Normal distribution
pois.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of simulated Poisson distribution
unif.simu.plot Histogram and Q-Q plot of simulated Uniform distribution