R Client Library for CloudOS

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Documentation for package ‘cloudos’ version 0.4.0

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cb_apply_query Apply a query to a cohort
cb_create_cohort Create Cohort
cb_get_genotypic_table Get genotypic table
cb_get_participants_table Get participant data table
cb_get_participants_table_long Get longform participant data table
cb_get_phenotype_metadata Phenotype metadata
cb_get_phenotype_statistics Get distribution of a phenotype in a cohort
cb_list_cohorts List cohorts
cb_load_cohort Get cohort information
cb_participant_count Participant Count
cb_plot_filters Plot filters
cb_search_phenotypes Search available phenotypes
cb_set_columns Set the columns in a cohort
cloudos_configure Configure cloudos
cloudos_whoami whoami
cohort-class cohort class
phenotype Define a phenotype