Estimate Growth Rates from Phylogenetic Trees

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Documentation for package ‘cloneRate’ version 0.2.3

Help Pages

cloneRate-package The 'cloneRate' package.
birthDeathMCMC Growth rate estimate using MCMC
cloneRate The 'cloneRate' package.
coal_to_tree Generate tree from coalescence times
exampleMutTrees Example mutation tree data
exampleUltraTrees Example ultrametric tree data
internalLengths Growth rate estimate using the sum of internal lengths
longitudinalData Longitudinal validation data
maxLikelihood Growth rate estimate using Maximum Likelihood
realCloneData Real clone data from human blood
sharedMuts Growth rate estimate using the sum of shared mutations assuming a mutation tree
simMut Simulate mutation-based birth and death branching trees
simUltra Simulate ultrametric birth and death branching trees
siteFrequency Get site frequency spectrum of a tree
ultra2mut Add poissonian mutations to an ultrametric tree(s)