A Wrapper for the 'Clockify' API

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Documentation for package ‘clockify’ version 0.1.6

Help Pages

client Get client
client-parameters Parameters for client functions
clients Get clients
client_create Add a new client to workspace
client_delete Delete a client from workspace
client_update Update a client
custom_fields Get custom fields
custom_field_delete Remove a custom field from a project
custom_field_update Update a custom field on a project
get_api_key Get API key
paginate Title
project Get project
project-update Update project
project-update-estimate Update project time & budget estimates
projects Get projects
project_create Create project
project_delete Delete project
project_update Update project
project_update_billable_rate Update user billable rate on project
project_update_cost_rate Update user cost rate on project
project_update_estimate_budget Update project time & budget estimates
project_update_estimate_time Update project time & budget estimates
project_update_memberships Update project memberships
project_update_template Update project
reports-parameters Reports Parameters
reports_detailed Detailed report
reports_summary Summary report
reports_weekly Weekly report
set_api_key Set API key
shared-reports-parameters Shared Reports Parameters
shared_report Get a specific shared report
shared_reports Get all shared reports
shared_report_create Create a shared report
shared_report_delete Delete a shared report
shared_report_update Update a shared report
tag Get tag
tags Get tags
tag_create Create tag
tag_delete Delete tag
tag_update Update tag
task Get task
task-create Create a task
tasks Get tasks
task_create Create a task
task_delete Delete task
task_update Update a task
task_update_billable_rate Update task billable rate
task_update_cost_rate Update task cost rate
time-entry-parameters Time Entry Parameters
time_entries Get time entries
time_entry Get a specific time entry on workspace
time_entry_create Create a time entry
time_entry_delete Delete a time entry
time_entry_invoiced Mark time entries as invoiced
time_entry_set Replace a time entry
time_entry_stop Stop currently running timer
user Get information for authenticated user
user-update-role Update user roles
users Get list of users in active workspace
user_create Create a user
user_delete Delete user
user_delete_role Delete user roles
user_groups Get user groups
user_group_create Create a user group
user_group_delete Delete a user group
user_group_update Update a user group
user_group_user_add Add a user to a user group
user_group_user_remove Remove a user from a user group
user_update_cost_rate Update cost rate
user_update_hourly_rate Update hourly rate
user_update_role Update user roles
user_update_status Update status
workspace Get or set active workspace ID
workspaces Get a list of workspaces