getPlotTableVars {clinDataReview}R Documentation

Extract variables displayed in the attached table, for each available plotting function of the clinDataReview package.


This function is used in each plotting function of the package to extract the variable(s) displayed in the table associated to the plot and their associated labels.
This can also be used in the template reports, e.g. to extract reference variable(s) for the comparison table functionality in the plot template report.
The following framework is used:

For the functions: plotCountClinData, treemapClinData, sunburstClinData: value to represent are included in the table and colored with a bar.


getPlotTableVars(plotFunction, plotArgs)



String with name of the plotting function, be available in the clinDataReview package.


List with parameters passed to the plotting function.


Character vector with variable to include in the table, with extra attributes (passed to tableClinData):

labels and the table parameters .


Laure Cougnaud

[Package clinDataReview version 1.5.0 Index]