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Documentation for package ‘clifro’ version 3.2-5

Help Pages

clifro-package From CliFlo to 'clifro': Enhancing The National Climate Database With R
$-method Subsetting Methods for Clifro Objects
+-method Arithmetic Operators for Clifro Objects
cfDatatype The Clifro Datatype Object
cfDatatype-class The Clifro Datatype Object
cfStation The Clifro Station Object
cfStation-class The Clifro Station Object
cfUser The Clifro User Object
cfUser-class The Clifro User Object
cf_curl_opts Store curl options for use within 'clifro'
cf_datatype The Clifro Datatype Object
cf_find_station Search for Clifro Stations
cf_last_query Retrieve Last Query Result from CliFlo
cf_query Retrieve Data from the National Climate Database
cf_save_kml Save Clifro Station Information to a KML File
cf_station The Clifro Station Object
cf_user The Clifro User Object
clifro From CliFlo to 'clifro': Enhancing The National Climate Database With R
dim-method Dimension Attributes of a Clifro Object
dimnames-method Dimension Attributes of a Clifro Object
direction_plot Plot Clifro Wind Objects
direction_plot-method Plot Clifro Wind Objects
Extract Subsetting Methods for Clifro Objects
plot-method Plot Earth Temperatures
plot-method Plot Mean Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure
plot-method Plot Rain Time series
plot-method Plot Screen Observations
plot-method Plot Sunshine Hours
plot-method Plot Temperature Range
plot-method Plot Clifro Wind Objects
plot-method Default Clifro Plotting
plot.cfDataList Default Clifro Plotting
plot.cfEarthTemp Plot Earth Temperatures
plot.cfPressure Plot Mean Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure
plot.cfRain Plot Rain Time series
plot.cfScreenObs Plot Screen Observations
plot.cfSunshine Plot Sunshine Hours
plot.cfTemp Plot Temperature Range
plot.cfWind Plot Clifro Wind Objects
speed_plot Plot Clifro Wind Objects
speed_plot-method Plot Clifro Wind Objects
summary-method Summarise User Information
summary-method Summarise Clifro Wind Data
windrose Plot a windrose
[,cfDatatype,ANY,missing,missing Subsetting Methods for Clifro Objects
[-method Subsetting Methods for Clifro Objects
[[-method Subsetting Methods for Clifro Objects