as_numeric_without_warnings |
Wrapper function to convert into numeric without warnings |
choose_with_menu |
Choose data with menu. |
ci |
Calculate warm index and cold index |
clean_station |
Clean up station information |
climate_jp |
Climate data in Japan |
climate_world |
Climate data in the world |
download_area_links |
Download links for areas, countries and stations |
download_climate |
Download climate data of the world |
download_links |
Download links for areas, countries and stations |
gracefully_fail |
Graceful fail |
head_3 |
Wrapper function to head 3 items |
japan_climate |
Climate data in Japan |
sleep |
Wrapper function to sleep |
station_jp |
Climate stations in Japan |
station_links |
Station name and its URL |
station_world |
Climate stations of the world |
wi |
Calculate warm index and cold index |
world_climate |
Climate data in the world |