Clustering and Link Prediction Evaluation in R

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Documentation for package ‘clevr’ version 0.1.2

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accuracy_pairs Accuracy of Linked Pairs
adj_rand_index Adjusted Rand Index Between Clusterings
balanced_accuracy_pairs Balanced Accuracy of Linked Pairs
canonicalize_pairs Canonicalize element pairs
clusters_to_membership Transform Clustering Representations
clusters_to_pairs Transform Clustering Representations
completeness Completeness Between Clusterings
contingency_table_clusters Contingency Table for Clusterings
contingency_table_pairs Binary Contingency Table for Linked Pairs
eval_report_clusters Evaluation Report for Clustering
eval_report_pairs Evaluation Report for Linked Pairs
fowlkes_mallows Fowlkes-Mallows Index Between Clusterings
fowlkes_mallows_pairs Fowlkes-Mallows Index of Linked Pairs
f_measure_pairs F-measure of Linked Pairs
homogeneity Homogeneity Between Clusterings
membership_to_clusters Transform Clustering Representations
membership_to_pairs Transform Clustering Representations
mutual_info Mutual Information Between Clusterings
pairs_to_clusters Transform Clustering Representations
pairs_to_membership Transform Clustering Representations
precision_pairs Precision of Linked Pairs
rand_index Rand Index Between Clusterings
recall_pairs Recall of Linked Pairs
sensitivity_pairs Recall of Linked Pairs
specificity_pairs Specificity of Linked Pairs
variation_info Variation of Information Between Clusterings
v_measure V-measure Between Clusterings