A Tidy Data Model for Natural Language Processing

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Documentation for package ‘cleanNLP’ version 3.1.0

Help Pages

cleanNLP-package cleanNLP: A Tidy Data Model for Natural Language Processing
cleanNLP cleanNLP: A Tidy Data Model for Natural Language Processing
cnlp_annotate Run the annotation pipeline on a set of documents
cnlp_download_spacy Download model files needed for spacy
cnlp_init_spacy Interface for initializing the spacy backend
cnlp_init_stringi Interface for initializing the standard R backend
cnlp_init_udpipe Interface for initializing the udpipe backend
cnlp_utils_pca Compute Principal Components and store as a Data Frame
cnlp_utils_tf Construct the TF-IDF Matrix from Annotation or Data Frame
cnlp_utils_tfidf Construct the TF-IDF Matrix from Annotation or Data Frame
un Universal Declaration of Human Rights
word_frequency Most frequent English words