id |
integer required. The ID for the script.
name |
string optional. The name of the script.
parent_id |
integer optional. The ID of the parent job that will trigger this script
arguments |
list optional. Parameter-value pairs to use when running this script. Only settable if this script has defined parameters.
remote_host_id |
integer optional. The remote host ID that this script will connect to.
credential_id |
integer optional. The credential that this script will use.
schedule |
list optional. A list containing the following elements:
scheduled boolean, If the item is scheduled.
scheduledDays array, Days of the week, based on numeric value starting at 0 for Sunday. Mutually exclusive with scheduledDaysOfMonth
scheduledHours array, Hours of the day it is scheduled on.
scheduledMinutes array, Minutes of the day it is scheduled on.
scheduledRunsPerHour integer, Deprecated in favor of scheduled minutes.
scheduledDaysOfMonth array, Days of the month it is scheduled on, mutually exclusive with scheduledDays.
notifications |
list optional. A list containing the following elements:
urls array, URLs to receive a POST request at job completion
successEmailSubject string, Custom subject line for success e-mail.
successEmailBody string, Custom body text for success e-mail, written in Markdown.
successEmailAddresses array, Addresses to notify by e-mail when the job completes successfully.
successEmailFromName string, Name from which success emails are sent; defaults to "Civis."
successEmailReplyTo string, Address for replies to success emails; defaults to the author of the job.
failureEmailAddresses array, Addresses to notify by e-mail when the job fails.
stallWarningMinutes integer, Stall warning emails will be sent after this amount of minutes.
successOn boolean, If success email notifications are on.
failureOn boolean, If failure email notifications are on.
time_zone |
string optional. The time zone of this script.
target_project_id |
integer optional. Target project to which script outputs will be added.
required_resources |
list optional. A list containing the following elements:
cpu integer, The number of CPU shares to allocate for the container. Each core has 1000 shares.
memory integer, The amount of RAM to allocate for the container (in MB).
diskSpace number, The amount of disk space, in GB, to allocate for the container. This space will be used to hold the git repo configured for the container and anything your container writes to /tmp or /data. Fractional values (e.g. 0.25) are supported.
partition_label |
string optional. The partition label used to run this object. Only applicable for jobs using Docker.
running_as_id |
integer optional. The ID of the runner of this script.
id |
integer, The ID for the script.
fromTemplateAliases |
array, An array containing the following fields:
id integer, The id of the Alias object.
objectId integer, The id of the object
alias string, The alias of the object
name |
string, The name of the script.
type |
string, The type of the script (e.g Custom)
backingScriptType |
string, The type of the script backing this template (e.g Python)
createdAt |
string, The time this script was created.
updatedAt |
string, The time the script was last updated.
author |
list, A list containing the following elements:
id integer, The ID of this user.
name string, This user's name.
username string, This user's username.
initials string, This user's initials.
online boolean, Whether this user is online.
state |
string, The status of the script's last run.
finishedAt |
string, The time that the script's last run finished.
category |
projects |
array, An array containing the following fields:
id integer, The ID for the project.
name string, The name of the project.
parentId |
integer, The ID of the parent job that will trigger this script
params |
array, An array containing the following fields:
name string, The variable's name as used within your code.
label string, The label to present to users when asking them for the value.
description string, A short sentence or fragment describing this parameter to the end user.
type string, The type of parameter. Valid options: string, multi_line_string, integer, float, bool, file, table, database, credential_aws, credential_redshift, or credential_custom
required boolean, Whether this param is required.
value string, The value you would like to set this param to. Setting this value makes this parameter a fixed param.
default string, If an argument for this parameter is not defined, it will use this default value. Use true, True, t, y, yes, or 1 for true bool's or false, False, f, n, no, or 0 for false bool's. Cannot be used for parameters that are required or a credential type.
allowedValues array, The possible values this parameter can take, effectively making this an enumerable parameter. Allowed values is an array of hashes of the following format: 'label: 'Import', 'value': 'import''
arguments |
list, Parameter-value pairs to use when running this script. Only settable if this script has defined parameters.
isTemplate |
boolean, Whether others scripts use this one as a template.
publishedAsTemplateId |
integer, The ID of the template that this script is backing.
fromTemplateId |
integer, The ID of the template script.
uiReportUrl |
integer, The url of the custom HTML.
uiReportId |
integer, The id of the report with the custom HTML.
uiReportProvideAPIKey |
boolean, Whether the ui report requests an API Key from the report viewer.
templateScriptName |
string, The name of the template script.
templateNote |
string, The template's note.
remoteHostId |
integer, The remote host ID that this script will connect to.
credentialId |
integer, The credential that this script will use.
codePreview |
string, The code that this script will run with arguments inserted.
schedule |
list, A list containing the following elements:
scheduled boolean, If the item is scheduled.
scheduledDays array, Days of the week, based on numeric value starting at 0 for Sunday. Mutually exclusive with scheduledDaysOfMonth
scheduledHours array, Hours of the day it is scheduled on.
scheduledMinutes array, Minutes of the day it is scheduled on.
scheduledRunsPerHour integer, Deprecated in favor of scheduled minutes.
scheduledDaysOfMonth array, Days of the month it is scheduled on, mutually exclusive with scheduledDays.
notifications |
list, A list containing the following elements:
urls array, URLs to receive a POST request at job completion
successEmailSubject string, Custom subject line for success e-mail.
successEmailBody string, Custom body text for success e-mail, written in Markdown.
successEmailAddresses array, Addresses to notify by e-mail when the job completes successfully.
successEmailFromName string, Name from which success emails are sent; defaults to "Civis."
successEmailReplyTo string, Address for replies to success emails; defaults to the author of the job.
failureEmailAddresses array, Addresses to notify by e-mail when the job fails.
stallWarningMinutes integer, Stall warning emails will be sent after this amount of minutes.
successOn boolean, If success email notifications are on.
failureOn boolean, If failure email notifications are on.
runningAs |
list, A list containing the following elements:
id integer, The ID of this user.
name string, This user's name.
username string, This user's username.
initials string, This user's initials.
online boolean, Whether this user is online.
timeZone |
string, The time zone of this script.
lastRun |
list, A list containing the following elements:
id integer,
state string,
createdAt string, The time that the run was queued.
startedAt string, The time that the run started.
finishedAt string, The time that the run completed.
error string, The error message for this run, if present.
myPermissionLevel |
string, Your permission level on the object. One of "read", "write", or "manage".
hidden |
boolean, The hidden status of the item.
archived |
string, The archival status of the requested item(s).
targetProjectId |
integer, Target project to which script outputs will be added.
lastSuccessfulRun |
list, A list containing the following elements:
id integer,
state string,
createdAt string, The time that the run was queued.
startedAt string, The time that the run started.
finishedAt string, The time that the run completed.
error string, The error message for this run, if present.
requiredResources |
list, A list containing the following elements:
cpu integer, The number of CPU shares to allocate for the container. Each core has 1000 shares.
memory integer, The amount of RAM to allocate for the container (in MB).
diskSpace number, The amount of disk space, in GB, to allocate for the container. This space will be used to hold the git repo configured for the container and anything your container writes to /tmp or /data. Fractional values (e.g. 0.25) are supported.
partitionLabel |
string, The partition label used to run this object. Only applicable for jobs using Docker.
runningAsId |
integer, The ID of the runner of this script.