source |
list, A list containing the following elements:
id integer, The ID of the table or file, if available.
path string, The path of the dataset to sync from; for a database source, schema.tablename. If you are doing a Google Sheet export, this can be blank. This is a legacy parameter, it is recommended you use one of the following: databaseTable, file, googleWorksheet, salesforce
databaseTable list . A list containing the following elements:
schema string, The database schema name.
table string, The database table name.
useWithoutSchema boolean, This attribute is no longer available; defaults to false but cannot be used.
file list . A list containing the following elements:
googleWorksheet list . A list containing the following elements:
spreadsheet string, The spreadsheet document name.
spreadsheetId string, The spreadsheet document id.
worksheet string, The worksheet tab name.
worksheetId integer, The worksheet tab id.
salesforce list . A list containing the following elements:
destination |
list, A list containing the following elements:
path string, The schema.tablename to sync to. If you are doing a Google Sheet export, this is the spreadsheet and sheet name separated by a period. i.e. if you have a spreadsheet named "MySpreadsheet" and a sheet called "Sheet1" this field would be "MySpreadsheet.Sheet1". This is a legacy parameter, it is recommended you use one of the following: databaseTable, googleWorksheet
databaseTable list . A list containing the following elements:
schema string, The database schema name.
table string, The database table name.
useWithoutSchema boolean, This attribute is no longer available; defaults to false but cannot be used.
googleWorksheet list . A list containing the following elements:
spreadsheet string, The spreadsheet document name.
spreadsheetId string, The spreadsheet document id.
worksheet string, The worksheet tab name.
worksheetId integer, The worksheet tab id.
advancedOptions |
list, A list containing the following elements:
maxErrors integer,
existingTableRows string,
diststyle string,
distkey string,
sortkey1 string,
sortkey2 string,
columnDelimiter string,
columnOverrides object, Hash used for overriding auto-detected names and types, with keys being the index of the column being overridden.
escaped boolean, If true, escape quotes with a backslash; otherwise, escape quotes by double-quoting. Defaults to false.
identityColumn string,
rowChunkSize integer,
wipeDestinationTable boolean,
truncateLongLines boolean,
invalidCharReplacement string,
verifyTableRowCounts boolean,
partitionColumnName string, This parameter is deprecated
partitionSchemaName string, This parameter is deprecated
partitionTableName string, This parameter is deprecated
partitionTablePartitionColumnMinName string, This parameter is deprecated
partitionTablePartitionColumnMaxName string, This parameter is deprecated
lastModifiedColumn string,
mysqlCatalogMatchesSchema boolean, This attribute is no longer available; defaults to true but cannot be used.
chunkingMethod string, This parameter is deprecated
firstRowIsHeader boolean,
exportAction string, The kind of export action you want to have the export execute. Set to "newsprsht" if you want a new worksheet inside a new spreadsheet. Set to "newwksht" if you want a new worksheet inside an existing spreadsheet. Set to "updatewksht" if you want to overwrite an existing worksheet inside an existing spreadsheet. Set to "appendwksht" if you want to append to the end of an existing worksheet inside an existing spreadsheet. Default is set to "newsprsht"
sqlQuery string, If you are doing a Google Sheet export, this is your SQL query.
contactLists string,
soqlQuery string,
includeDeletedRecords boolean,