k_clusters {citrus}R Documentation

k-clusters model


k-clusters method for segmentation. It can handle segmentation for both numerical data types only, by using k-means algorithm, and mixed data types (numerical and categorical) by using k-prototypes algorithm


k_clusters(data, hyperparameters, verbose = TRUE)



data.frame, the data to segment


list of hyperparameters to pass. They include centers: number of clusters or a set of initial (distinct) cluster centers, or 'auto'. When 'auto' is chosen, the number of clusters is optimised;
iter_max: the maximum number of iterations allowed; n_start: how many random sets of cluster centers should be tried; max_centers: maximum number of clusters when 'auto' option is selected for the centers; segmentation_variables: the columns to use to segment on. standardize: whether to standardize numeric columns.


logical whether information about the clustering procedure should be given.


A class called "k-clusters" containing a list of the model definition, the hyper-parameters, a table of outliers, the elbow plot (ggplot object) used to determine the optimal no. of clusters, and a lookup table containing segment predictions for customers.

[Package citrus version 1.0.2 Index]