plot_dc {cities} | R Documentation |
Plots the discontinuation rates by timepoints
normal_output = TRUE,
static_output = FALSE,
greyscale = FALSE
data_out |
The output from data_generator_loop() |
total_data |
Total number of clinical trials to simulate |
timepoints |
Vector of timepoints (e.g. weeks, days, time indices) |
normal_output |
TRUE if both plots and numeric values of estimands are requested. FALSE if only plots are requested |
static_output |
TRUE if static mode requested and FALSE if dynamic plot is requested |
greyscale |
TRUE if greyscale requested and FALSE for color |
Plot and dataframe of proportion of discontinuations.
total_data = 3
reference_id = 1
threshold = NA
timepoints = c(0,24,48,72,96,120,144)
IR_display = TRUE
delta_adjustment_in = c(0,1)
n_patient_ctrl = 120
n_patient_expt = 150
n_patient_vector = c(n_patient_ctrl, n_patient_expt)
n_total = sum(n_patient_vector)
mean_control = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
mean_treatment = c(0,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1)
mean_list = list(mean_control, mean_treatment)
sigma_ar_vec = c(1, 1)
pacf_list = list(c(-0.2, 0.4),
c(-0.2, 0.4))
beta_list = list(c(1.25, 1.25),
c(1.25, 1.25))
covariate_df = NA
up_good = "Up"
p_loe_max = 0.75
z_l_loe = -7
z_u_loe = -1
p_ee_max = 0.1
z_l_ee = 4
z_u_ee = 10
p_admin_ctrl = 0.02
p_admin_expt = 0.02
p_admin = c(p_admin_ctrl, p_admin_expt)
prob_ae_ctrl = 0.7
prob_ae_expt = 0.9
prob_ae = c(prob_ae_ctrl, prob_ae_expt)
rate_dc_ae_ctrl = 0.1
rate_dc_ae_expt = 0.1
rate_dc_ae = c(rate_dc_ae_ctrl, rate_dc_ae_expt)
starting_seed_val = 1
static_output = TRUE
data_out = data_generator_loop(n_patient_vector = n_patient_vector,
p_loe_max = p_loe_max, z_l_loe = z_l_loe, z_u_loe = z_u_loe,
p_ee_max = p_ee_max, z_l_ee = z_l_ee, z_u_ee = z_u_ee, timepoints = timepoints,
pacf_list = pacf_list, sigma_ar_vec = sigma_ar_vec, mean_list = mean_list,
beta_list = beta_list, p_admin = p_admin, rate_dc_ae = rate_dc_ae,
prob_ae = prob_ae, seed_val = starting_seed_val, reference_id = reference_id,
plot_po = FALSE, up_good = up_good, threshold = threshold,
total_data = total_data, delta_adjustment_in = delta_adjustment_in,
covariate_df = covariate_df)
estimates_out = plot_estimates(data_out = data_out, total_data = total_data,
timepoints = timepoints, reference_id = reference_id, IR_display = IR_display,
normal_output = TRUE, static_output = static_output)
dc_out = plot_dc(data_out = data_out, total_data = total_data,
timepoints = timepoints, static_output = static_output)
[Package cities version 0.1.3 Index]