data_generator_loop {cities} | R Documentation |
Simulate multiple or single clinical trial
plot_po = FALSE,
n_patient_vector |
Vector of number of patients |
p_loe_max |
The maximum probability of discontinuing due to LoE |
z_l_loe |
The lower (or left) threshold of the LoE curve |
z_u_loe |
The upper (or right) threshold of the LoE curve |
p_ee_max |
The maximum probability of discontinuing due to EE |
z_l_ee |
The lower (or left) threshold of the EE curve |
z_u_ee |
The upper (or right) threshold of the EE curve |
timepoints |
Vector of timepoints (e.g. weeks, days, time indices) |
pacf_list |
List of pacf vectors |
sigma_ar_vec |
Vector of variances per arm associated with list of pacf vectors |
mean_list |
List of vectors of means per arm |
beta_list |
List of vectors of beta coefficients per arm. All vectors must have the same length and must be the same as the number of columns for the covariate_df |
p_admin |
Vector of probabilities of discontinuing due to admin reasons |
rate_dc_ae |
Vector of probabilities of observing at least one adverse event |
prob_ae |
Vector of proportions of discontinuing due to adverse event |
seed_val |
Starting seed value |
reference_id |
ID for pairwise comparisons, e.g. for three arms, if reference_id=1, then arms 2 and 3 will be compared only to arm 1 |
plot_po |
TRUE, if plotting data only. Otherwise, set to FALSE |
up_good |
"Up" if higher outcome values indicate better responses |
threshold |
Value to dichotomize continuous outcomes on |
total_data |
Total number of clinical trials to simulate |
delta_adjustment_in |
Vector of delta adjustment values or NA if none. E.g. (2,3,1) when reference_id = 1 means no delta adjustment on arm 1 (even though 2 was supplied, but since arm 1 is the reference arm, this will be defaulted to 0 regardless), 3 on arm 2 and 1 on arm 3. |
covariate_df |
Matrix or dataframe of covariates. Set NA if using default covariates, which comprises one continuous (standard normal) and binary (bernoulli with prob 0.5) covariates. Rows correspond to the total number of subjects. Order matters. For instance, if you want to simulate a trial with 3 arms, each of size 30,50 and 80, then covariate_df would have 30+50+80 rows such that the first 30 rows are covariates for arm 1, the next 50 rows are covariates for arm 2 and the last 80 rows are covariates for arm 3. |
List of dataframes of estimands and simulated data, including delta adjusted ones if requested:
estimand_mean |
List of means of the FULL, S_++, S_*+ and PP estimands |
estimand_sd |
List of standard deviations of the FULL, S_++, S_*+ and PP estimands |
dc_mean_list |
List of proportions of discontinuations |
observed_df |
Dataframe of the observed outcomes |
po_df |
Dataframe of the potential outcomes |
ir_df |
Dataframe of the outcomes that have been adjusted via immediate reference (IR) or delta adjustment (Delta) for treatment policy estimands. The IR outcomes are labelled as ir_data while the delta adjusted outcomes are labelled as delta_data.The delta adjusted outcomes will only be available if the correct inputs for delta_adjustment_in are provided. |
total_data = 3
reference_id = 1
threshold = NA
timepoints = c(0,24,48,72,96,120,144)
IR_display = TRUE
delta_adjustment_in = c(0,1)
n_patient_ctrl = 120
n_patient_expt = 150
n_patient_vector = c(n_patient_ctrl, n_patient_expt)
n_total = sum(n_patient_vector)
mean_control = c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0)
mean_treatment = c(0,0.1,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1)
mean_list = list(mean_control, mean_treatment)
sigma_ar_vec = c(1, 1)
pacf_list = list(c(-0.2, 0.4),
c(-0.2, 0.4))
beta_list = list(c(1.25, 1.25),
c(1.25, 1.25))
covariate_df = NA
# LoE & EE
up_good = "Up"
p_loe_max = 0.75
z_l_loe = -7
z_u_loe = -1
p_ee_max = 0.1
z_l_ee = 4
z_u_ee = 10
# Admin & AE
p_admin_ctrl = 0.02
p_admin_expt = 0.02
p_admin = c(p_admin_ctrl, p_admin_expt)
prob_ae_ctrl = 0.7
prob_ae_expt = 0.9
prob_ae = c(prob_ae_ctrl, prob_ae_expt)
rate_dc_ae_ctrl = 0.1
rate_dc_ae_expt = 0.1
rate_dc_ae = c(rate_dc_ae_ctrl, rate_dc_ae_expt)
starting_seed_val = 1
static_output = TRUE
mean_out = plot_means(n_patient_vector = n_patient_vector, timepoints = timepoints,
pacf_list = pacf_list, sigma_ar_vec = sigma_ar_vec, mean_list = mean_list,
beta_list = beta_list, reference_id = reference_id, seed_val = starting_seed_val,
total_data = total_data, threshold = threshold, covariate_df = covariate_df,
static_output = static_output)
plot_loe_ee (mean_list = mean_list, ref_grp = reference_id,
stdev_vec = sigma_ar_vec, p_loe_max = p_loe_max, z_l_loe = z_l_loe,
z_u_loe = z_u_loe, p_ee_max = p_ee_max, z_l_ee = z_l_ee, z_u_ee = z_u_ee,
up_good = up_good, greyscale = FALSE, static_output = static_output)
data_out = data_generator_loop(n_patient_vector = n_patient_vector,
p_loe_max = p_loe_max, z_l_loe = z_l_loe, z_u_loe = z_u_loe,
p_ee_max = p_ee_max, z_l_ee = z_l_ee, z_u_ee = z_u_ee, timepoints = timepoints,
pacf_list = pacf_list, sigma_ar_vec = sigma_ar_vec, mean_list = mean_list,
beta_list = beta_list, p_admin = p_admin, rate_dc_ae = rate_dc_ae,
prob_ae = prob_ae, seed_val = starting_seed_val, reference_id = reference_id,
plot_po = FALSE, up_good = up_good, threshold = threshold,
total_data = total_data, delta_adjustment_in = delta_adjustment_in,
covariate_df = covariate_df)