calc_gap |
Calculate gaps to make two Chord diagrams in the same scale |
Easy way to get meta data in the current cell |
chordDiagram |
Plot Chord Diagram |
chordDiagramFromDataFrame |
Plot Chord Diagram from a data frame |
chordDiagramFromMatrix |
Plot Chord Diagram from an adjacency matrix |
circlize |
Convert to polar coordinate system |
circos.arrow |
Draw arrow which is paralle to the circle |
circos.axis |
Draw x-axis |
circos.barplot |
Draw barplots |
circos.boxplot |
Draw boxplots |
circos.clear |
Reset the circular layout parameters |
circos.connect |
Draw connecting lines/ribons between two sets of points |
circos.dendrogram |
Add circular dendrograms |
circos.genomicAxis |
Add genomic axes |
circos.genomicDensity |
Calculate and add genomic density track |
circos.genomicHeatmap |
Add heatmaps for selected regions |
circos.genomicIdeogram |
Add an ideogram track |
circos.genomicInitialize |
Initialize circular plot with any genomic data |
circos.genomicLabels |
Add labels to specified genomic regions |
circos.genomicLines |
Add lines to a plotting region, specifically for genomic graphics |
circos.genomicLink |
Add links from two sets of genomic positions |
circos.genomicPoints |
Add points to a plotting region, specifically for genomic graphics |
circos.genomicPosTransformLines |
Add genomic position transformation lines between tracks |
circos.genomicRainfall |
Genomic rainfall plot |
circos.genomicRect |
Draw rectangle-like grid, specifically for genomic graphics |
circos.genomicText |
Draw text in a cell, specifically for genomic graphics |
circos.genomicTrack |
Create a track for genomic graphics |
circos.genomicTrackPlotRegion |
Create a track for genomic graphics |
circos.heatmap |
Make circular heatmaps |
circos.heatmap.initialize |
Initialize circular heatmaps | |
Draw a link between two matrix rows in the circular heatmap | |
Get information of the circular plot |
circos.initialize |
Initialize the circular layout |
circos.initializeCircularGenome |
Initialize a layout for circular genome |
circos.initializeWithIdeogram |
Initialize the circular layout with an ideogram |
circos.labels |
Add a label track |
circos.lines |
Add lines to the plotting region | |
Draw links between points or/and intervals |
circos.nested |
Nested zooming with two circular plots |
circos.par |
Parameters for the circular layout |
circos.points |
Add points to a plotting region |
circos.polygon |
Draw polygon |
circos.raster |
Add raster images |
circos.rect |
Draw rectangle-like grid |
circos.segments |
Draw segments through pairwise of points |
circos.text |
Draw text in a cell |
circos.track |
Create plotting regions for a whole track |
circos.trackHist |
Draw histogram in cells among a whole track |
circos.trackLines |
Add lines to the plotting regions in a same track |
circos.trackPlotRegion |
Create plotting regions for a whole track |
circos.trackPoints |
Add points to the plotting regions in a same track |
circos.trackText |
Draw text in cells among the whole track |
circos.triangle |
Draw triangles |
circos.update |
Create plotting regions for a whole track |
circos.updatePlotRegion |
Update the plotting region in an existed cell |
circos.violin |
Draw violin plots |
circos.xaxis |
Draw x-axis |
circos.yaxis |
Draw y-axis |
cm_h |
Convert units |
cm_x |
Convert unit on x direction in data coordinate |
cm_y |
Convert unit on y direction in data coordinate |
col2value |
Transform back from colors to values |
colorRamp2 |
Color interpolation |
convert_height |
Convert units |
convert_length |
Convert units |
convert_x |
Convert unit on x direction in data coordinate |
convert_y |
Convert unit on y direction in data coordinate |
cytoband.col |
Assign colors to cytogenetic band (hg19) according to the Giemsa stain results |