write_xifti2 {ciftiTools}R Documentation

Write a "xifti" object to GIFTI and NIFTI files


Write metric or label GIFTIs for the cortical surface data and NIFTIs for the subcortical labels and mask in a "xifti" object. Each present brainstructure will be written; if a brainstructure is absent the corresponding file is not written.


  brainstructures = NULL,
  cortexL_fname = NULL,
  cortexR_fname = NULL,
  subcortVol_fname = NULL,
  subcortLabs_fname = NULL,
  ROI_brainstructures = "all",
  ROIcortexL_fname = NULL,
  ROIcortexR_fname = NULL,
  ROIsubcortVol_fname = NULL,
  write_dir = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



A "xifti" object.


(Optional) character vector indicating a subset of brain structure(s) to write: "left" cortex, "right" cortex, and/or "subcortical" structures. Can also be "all" to write out all existing brain structures. Default: "all".

cortexL_fname, cortexR_fname

(Optional) GIFTI file names (*.[func/label].gii) to save the [left/right] cortex data to. dtseries and dscalar files should use "func", whereas dlabel files should use "label".

If NULL and write_dir is provided, defaults to "*[L/R].\[func/label\].gii", where * is the file name component of cifti_fname.

subcortVol_fname, subcortLabs_fname

(Optional) NIFTI file names to save the subcortical [volume/labels] to. Provide both or neither.

If NULL and write_dir is provided, defaults to "*[/.labels].nii", where * is the file name component of cifti_fname.


Which ROIs should be obtained? "all" (default) to obtain ROIs for each of the brainstructures. NULL to not obtain any ROIs. This should be a subset of brainstructures.

ROIcortexL_fname, ROIcortexR_fname

(Optional) GIFTI file names (*.[func/label].gii) to save the [left/right] cortex ROI to. dtseries and dscalar files should use "func", whereas dlabel files should use "label".

If NULL and write_dir is provided, defaults to "*ROI_[L/R].\[func/label\].gii", where * is the file name component of cifti_fname.

The cortical ROIs typically represent the medial wall mask, with values of 1 for in-ROI (non-medial wall) vertices and 0 for out-of-ROI (medial wall) vertices. Will be written in write_dir.


(Optional) NIFTI file names to save the subcortical ROI to.

If NULL and write_dir is provided, defaults to "*ROI.nii", where * is the file name component of cifti_fname.

The subcortical ROI typically represents the volumetric mask for the entire subcortical structure, with values of 1 for in-ROI (in subcortex) voxels and 0 for out-of-ROI (not in subcortex) voxels. Will be written in write_dir.


(Optional) A path to an existing directory. If provided, every component in the "xifti" will be written to this directory, using automatically-generated names if their *_fname argument was not provided. Otherwise if write_dir is NULL, only the components for which their *_fname was provided will be written.


Should occasional updates be printed? Default: FALSE.


List of written files

See Also

Other writing: separate_cifti(), write_cifti(), write_metric_gifti(), write_subcort_nifti(), write_surf_gifti()

[Package ciftiTools version 0.15.1 Index]