apply_parc {ciftiTools}R Documentation

Apply function over locations in each parcel


Apply a function across all locations in each parcel, for a pair of data and parcellation "xifti" objects that are in registration with one another. By default, the mean value in each parcel is calculated.


  FUN = mean,
  mwall_value = NA,
  return_as = c("matrix", "xifti"),



The "xifti" data to apply the function over, within each parcel.


The "xifti" "dlabel" parcellation. Each parcel is defined by a unique key in the label table. If there are multiple columns, only the first column will be used. Alternatively, parc can just be a vector of keys whose length is the number of data locations in "xii".


A function that takes as input an M×NM \times N matrix (MM locations in a given parcel, and NN measurements/columns in xii) and outputs a constant-sized (QQ) numeric vector. Default: mean.

Use colMeans to obtain the average timeseries of each parcel, such as in order to compute functional connectivity.


If there is a medial wall in xii, what should value should medial wall locations be replaced with prior to calculation? Default: NA.


"matrix" (default) where each row corresponds to a parcel, or a "xifti" object where each location's value is the value of its corresponding parcel?


Additional arguments to FUN, e.g. na.rm=TRUE. Ignored if FUN=="quick_mean".


A P×QP \times Q matrix, where PP is the number of parcels and QQ is the length of the output of FUN. (For mean, Q=1Q = 1).

See Also

Other parcellation-related: load_parc(), load_sub_parc(), parc_add_subcortex(), parc_borders(), parc_vals_to_xifti()

Other manipulating xifti: add_surf(), apply_xifti(), combine_xifti(), convert_to_dlabel(), merge_xifti(), move_to_mwall(), newdata_xifti(), remap_cifti(), remove_xifti(), resample_cifti(), resample_cifti_from_template(), scale_xifti(), select_xifti(), set_names_xifti(), smooth_cifti(), transform_xifti()

[Package ciftiTools version 0.15.1 Index]