Grammar for Creating R Markdown Reports

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Documentation for package ‘chronicle’ version 0.3

Help Pages

add_barplot Add a bar plot to a chronicle report
add_boxplot Add a box plot to a chronicle report
add_chunk Transforms a function call into an Rmarkdown chunk
add_code Add formatted code chunks to a chronicle R Markdown report
add_density Add a density plot to a chronicle report
add_dygraph Add a dygraph to a chronicle report
add_histogram Add a histogram plot to a chronicle report
add_image Add an image to a chronicle Rmarkdown report
add_lineplot Add a line plot to a chronicle report
add_quotes Adds additional quotations to character values
add_raincloud Add a raincloud plot to a chronicle report
add_scatterplot Add a scatter plot to a chronicle report
add_table Add a table to a chronicle report
add_text Add text to a chronicle Rmarkdown report
add_title Add a titled section to a chronicle Rmarkdown report
add_violin Add a violin plot to a chronicle report
assemble_call Assembles a formatted function call from a function and a list of parameters
check_cols Warns if any of the passed column names is missing from the data provided.
file_extension Parse the file extension for each R Markdown output format
make_barplot Create a bar plot from a data frame through ggplotly
make_boxplot Create a box plot from a data frame through ggplotly
make_density Create a density plot from a data frame through ggplotly
make_dygraph Plot a time series from a data frame through dygraph's interactive html plot interface
make_histogram Create a histogram plot from a data frame through ggplotly
make_lineplot Create a line plot from a data frame through ggplotly
make_raincloud Create a raincloud plot from a data frame through ggplotly
make_scatterplot Create a scatter plot from a data frame through ggplotly
make_title Guess a title out of function parameters
make_violin Create a violin plot from a data frame through ggplotly
output_config Build the yaml output specification for an R Markdown
plot_columns Plot all columns of a table
render_report Render the report using all objects from the global environment
report_columns HTML interactive report detailing each column on a table
rmd_title_level Returns the count of '#' corresponding to a given title level
set_classes Change column classes with a named vector