Choose the number of principal components via reconstruction error {choosepc}R Documentation

Choose the number of principal components via reconstruction error


Choose the number of principal components via reconstruction error.


pc.choose(x, graph = TRUE)



A numerical matrix with more rows than columns.


Should the plot of the PRESS values appear? Default value is TRUE.


SVD stands for Singular Value Decomposition of a rectangular matrix. That is any matrix, not only a square one in contrast to the Spectral Decomposition with eigenvalues and eigenvectors, produced by principal component analysis (PCA). Suppose we have a n×pn \times p matrix X\bf X. Then using SVD we can write the matrix as

X=UDVT, {\bf X}={\bf UDV}^{T},

where U\bf U is an orthonormal matrix containing the eigenvectors of XXT{\bf XX}^T, the V\bf V is an orthonormal matrix containing the eigenvectors of XTX{\bf X}^T{\bf X} and DD is a p×pp \times p diagonal matrix containing the rr non zero singular values d1,,drd_1,\ldots,d_r (square root of the eigenvalues) of XXT{\bf XX}^T (or XTX{\bf X}^T{\bf X}) and the remaining prp-r elements of the diagonal are zero. We remind that the maximum rank of an n×pn \times p matrix is equal to min{n,p}\min\{n,p\}. Using the SVD decomposition equaiton above, each column of X\bf X can be written as

xj=k=1rukdkvjk. {\bf x}_j=\sum_{k=1}^r{\bf u}_kd_k{\bf v}_{jk}.

This means that we can reconstruct the matrix X\bf X using less columns (if n>pn>p) than it has.

x~jm=k=1mukdkvjk, \tilde{{\bf x}}^{m}_j=\sum_{k=1}^m{\bf u}_kd_k{\bf v}_{jk},

where m<rm<r.

The reconstructed matrix will have some discrepancy of course, but it is the level of discrepancy we are interested in. If we center the matrix X\bf X, subtract the column means from every column, and perform the SVD again, we will see that the orthonormal matrix V\bf V contains the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the original, the un-centred, matrix X\bf X.

Coming back to the a matrix of nn observations and pp variables, the question was how many principal components to retain. We will give an answer to this using SVD to reconstruct the matrix. We describe the steps of this algorithm below. 1. Center the matrix by subtracting from each variable its mean Y=Xm{\bf Y}={\bf X}-{\bf m}

2. Perform SVD on the centred matrix Y\bf Y.

3. Choose a number from 11 to rr (the rank of the matrix) and reconstruct the matrix. Let us denote by Y~m\widetilde{{\bf Y}}^{m} the reconstructed matrix.

4. Calculate the sum of squared differences between the reconstructed and the original values

PRESS(m)=i=1nj=1p(y~ijmyij)2,m=1,..,r. PRESS\left(m\right)=\sum_{i=1}^n\sum_{j=1}^p\left(\tilde{y}^{m}_{ij}-y_{ij}\right)^2, m=1,..,r.

5. Plot PRESS(m)PRESS\left(m\right) for all the values of mm and choose graphically the number of principal components.

The graphical way of choosing the number of principal components is not the best and there alternative ways of making a decision (see for example Jolliffe (2002)).


A list including:


The eigenvalues of the covariance matrix.


The cumulative proportion of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix.


The differences in the cumulative proportion of the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix.


The reconstruction error ij(xijx^ij)2\sqrt{\sum_{ij}{(x_{ij}-\hat{x}_{ij})^2}} for each number of eigenvectors.


The runtime of the algorithm.


Michail Tsagris.

R implementation and documentation: Michail Tsagris


Jolliffe I.T. (2002). Principal Component Analysis.

See Also



x <- as.matrix(iris[, 1:4])
a <- pc.choose(x, graph = FALSE)

[Package choosepc version 1.0 Index]