Data and Methods Around Reference Values in Pediatrics

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Documentation for package ‘childsds’ version 0.8.0

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aga_15.ref Parameters from recommendations of the German Adiposity Association (2015, AGA)
aggregate_lms aggregate lms parameters
belgium.ref Parameters derived from Flandern population
bone.ref Parameters for different bone parameters
bp_wuehl_age.ref Parameters from Wuehl et al. blood pressure reference values Germany according to age, from version 0.7.3 unplausible values are replaced by interpolated ones. For the original values check out earlier versions
bp_wuehl_height.ref Parameters from Wuehl et al. blood pressure reference values Germany according to height from version 0.7.3 unplausible values are replaced by interpolated ones. For the original values check out earlier versions
calc_confints Calculate confidence intervals
cdc.ref LMS Parameters for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2000 Growth Charts, contains bmi, height, head cirumference, weight, weight for length,
cn.ref Parameters for height of normal weight and obese children from the CrescNet database dependent on height
colombia_sf.ref Parameters of skinfold measures derived from Colombian population
doyon_age.ref Parameters for different carotid artery intima-media thickness and distensibility dependent on age
doyon_height.ref Parameters for different carotid artery intima-media thickness and distensibility dependent on height
do_iterations do lms iterations
duran_bf.ref Parameters for bodyfat ( for Whites, Blacks, and Mexican-Americans
ethiop.ref Parameters derived Ethiopian children
fit_gamlss fit lms
fit_gamlss1 fit_gamlss1
fit_vgam fit lms parameters via VGAM
fredriks05.ref Parameters derived from Dutch children (additional to nl4.ref)
international_lab.ref International Laboratory Parameters Tables
iron.ref Parameters for iron-related blood parameters in children
italian.ref Parameters derived from Italian children
japanese.ref Parameters derived from Japanese children
japan_lab.ref Parameters of serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I)
kawel_boehm.ref Parameters for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
kiggs.ref LMS Parameters for German reference data (KiGGS, 2003-2006) for height, weight, bmi, hip, whr, whtr, bodyfat, skinfold sum, triceps skinfold, subscapular skinfold, and waist circumference
kiggs_bp.ref Parameters derived from the German KiGGS cohort
kro.ref LMS Parameters for German reference data (Kromeyer Hauschild, 2001) for height, weight, bmi, and waist circumference, including preterm correction (Voigt)
life_circ.ref Parameters for different circumferences and whr and whtr
life_cysc.ref Parameters for different metabolom parameters from the LIFE Child cohort
life_fibroscan.ref Parameters for fibroscan from the LIFE Child cohort
life_heart.ref hs-Troponin T and NT-proBNP from the LIFE Child cohort
life_igf.ref IGF-I and IGF-BP3 from the LIFE Child cohort
life_liver.ref Parameters for serum liver enzymes
life_skinfold.ref Parameters for different skinfolds
life_thyr.ref Parameters for TSH, FT3, FT4 from the LIFE Child cohort
lipids.ref Parameters for serum lipids in children
make_percentile_tab calculate raw values
metabolom.ref Parameters for different metabolom parameters from the LIFE Child cohort
mock_df Mock a data frame
mock_value Mock Value
mock_values Mock Values
momo.ref Parameters for the German MoMo study (sports test)
motor.ref Parameters for 5 subtests of the KiGGS Motorik Module
nl3.ref Parameters of skinfold measures derived from Colombian population
nl4.ref Parameters derived from the 4th Dutch growth study
one_iteration one iteration
ParTab-class Table of references
portug.ref Parameters derived from Portuguese children
prepare_data prepare data for iteration process
preterm.ref Parameters Preterm and Intrauterine
RefGroup-class Class of references
saudi.ref Parameters derived from Saudi children
sds Calculate SDS Values
sdsold Calculate SDS Values
sds_2d Calculate SDS Values for 2-dimensional matrix of covariates
select_fams select families
select_meas choose one measurement per subject
show-method class ParTab
show-method class RefGroup
turkish.ref Parameters derived from Turkish children
uk1990.ref Parameters from the 1990 UK growth study
ukwho.ref LMS Parameters for UK-WHO growth charts for height, weight, bmi, head circumference
us.ref Parameters derived from US children (additional to the cdc.ref)
who.ref LMS Parameters for UK-WHO growth charts for height, weight, bmi, head circumference,arm mid upper arm circumference, subscapular and triceps skinfold, weight for height
who2007.ref Parameters of skinfold measures derived from Colombian population
wormplot_gg Worm Plot ggplot version
zong13.ref Parameters derived from Chinese children (additional to nl4.ref)