gcdg_col_lt45m {childdevdata} | R Documentation |
Colombia two waves, 0.8-3.7 years: gcdg_col_lt45m
A dataset with developmental scores at the item level for 707 unique children measured at two time points.
A data.frame
with 1335 rows and 269 variables:
Name | Type | Label |
ctrcd | chr | Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) |
cohort | chr | Cohort name |
cohortn | chr | Cohort number |
subjid | int | Child number |
agedays | int | Age (days) |
sex | chr | Either "male" or "female" |
gagebrth | int | Gestational age (days) |
by3cgd022 | 0/1 | Mirror Image Series: Responds positively |
by3cgd023 | 0/1 | Plays with string |
by3cgd024 | 0/1 | Bangs in play |
by3cgd025 | 0/1 | Searches for fallen object |
by3cgd026 | 0/1 | Bell Series: Manipulates |
by3cgd027 | 0/1 | Picks Up Block Series: Reaches for second block |
by3cgd028 | 0/1 | Pulls cloth to obtain object |
by3cgd029 | 0/1 | Pulls string adaptively |
by3cgd030 | 0/1 | Retains both blocks |
by3cgd031 | 0/1 | Bell Series: Rings purposely |
by3cgd032 | 0/1 | Looks at pictures |
by3cgd033 | 0/1 | Picks Up Block Series: Retains 2 of 3 blocks |
by3cgd034 | 0/1 | Searches for missing objects |
by3cgd035 | 0/1 | Takes blocks out of cup |
by3cgd036 | 0/1 | Block Series: 1 Block |
by3cgd037 | 0/1 | Picks up Block Series: 3 blocks |
by3cgd038 | 0/1 | Explores holes in pegboard |
by3cgd039 | 0/1 | Pushes car |
by3cgd040 | 0/1 | Finds hidden object |
by3cgd041 | 0/1 | Suspends ring |
by3cgd042 | 0/1 | Removes pellet |
by3cgd043 | 0/1 | Clear Box: Front |
by3cgd044 | 0/1 | Squeezes object |
by3cgd045 | 0/1 | Finds hidden object (Reversed) |
by3cgd046 | 0/1 | Removes lid from bottle |
by3cgd047 | 0/1 | Pegboard Series: 2 holes |
by3cgd048 | 0/1 | Relational Play Series: Self |
by3cgd049 | 0/1 | Pink Board Series: 1 piece |
by3cgd050 | 0/1 | Finds hidden object (Visible Displacement) |
by3cgd051 | 0/1 | Blue Board Series: 1 piece |
by3cgd052 | 0/1 | Clear Box: Sides |
by3cgd053 | 0/1 | Relational Play Series: Others |
by3cgd054 | 0/1 | Block Series: 9 Blocks |
by3cgd055 | 0/1 | Pegboard Series: 6 Pegs |
by3cgd056 | 0/1 | Pink Board Series: Completes |
by3cgd057 | 0/1 | Uses pencil to obtain object |
by3cgd058 | 0/1 | Blue Board Series: 4 Pieces |
by3cgd059 | 0/1 | Attends to story |
by3cgd060 | 0/1 | Rotated pink board |
by3cgd061 | 0/1 | Object assembly (Ball) |
by3cgd062 | 0/1 | Completes Pegboard: 25 Seconds |
by3cgd063 | 0/1 | Object assembly (Ice Cream Cone) |
by3cgd064 | 0/1 | Matches pictures |
by3cgd065 | 0/1 | Representational play |
by3cgd066 | 0/1 | Blue Board Series: Completes (75 seconds) |
by3cgd067 | 0/1 | Imitates a two-step action. |
by3cgd068 | 0/1 | Matches 3 colors |
by3cgd069 | 0/1 | Imaginary play |
by3cgd070 | 0/1 | Understands concept of one |
by3cgd071 | 0/1 | Multischeme combination play |
by3cgd072 | 0/1 | Concept Grouping: colour |
by3cgd073 | 0/1 | Concept Grouping: Size |
by3cgd074 | 0/1 | Compares masses |
by3cgd075 | 0/1 | Matches size |
by3cgd076 | 0/1 | Discriminates pictures |
by3cgd077 | 0/1 | Simple pattern |
by3cgd078 | 0/1 | Sorts pegs by colour |
by3cgd079 | 0/1 | Counts (One-to-one correspondence) |
by3cgd080 | 0/1 | Discriminates size |
by3cgd081 | 0/1 | Identifies 3 incomplete pictures |
by3cgd082 | 0/1 | Object assembly (Dog) |
by3cgd083 | 0/1 | Discriminates patterns |
by3cgd084 | 0/1 | Spatial memory |
by3cgd085 | 0/1 | Counts (Cardinally) |
by3cgd086 | 0/1 | Number constancy |
by3cgd087 | 0/1 | Laces card |
by3cgd088 | 0/1 | Classifies objects |
by3cgd089 | 0/1 | Understands concept of more |
by3exd003 | 0/1 | Vocalizes mood |
by3exd005 | 0/1 | Social vocalization or laughing |
by3exd006 | 0/1 | 2 Vowel sounds |
by3exd007 | 0/1 | Gets attention |
by3exd008 | 0/1 | 2 Consonant sounds |
by3exd009 | 0/1 | Uses gestures |
by3exd010 | 0/1 | Consonant-Vowel Combination Series: 1 Combination |
by3exd011 | 0/1 | Participates in play routine |
by3exd012 | 0/1 | Jabbers expressively |
by3exd013 | 0/1 | Consonant-Vowel Combination Series: 4 Combination |
by3exd014 | 0/1 | Uses one-word approximations |
by3exd015 | 0/1 | Directs attention of other |
by3exd016 | 0/1 | Imitates word |
by3exd017 | 0/1 | Initiates play interaction |
by3exd018 | 0/1 | Uses Words Appropriately Series: 2 words |
by3exd019 | 0/1 | Uses word to make wants known |
by3exd020 | 0/1 | Names Object Series: 1 Object |
by3exd021 | 0/1 | Combines word and gesture |
by3exd022 | 0/1 | Names Picture Series: 1 Picture |
by3exd023 | 0/1 | Uses Words Appropriately Series: 8 words |
by3exd024 | 0/1 | Answers yes or no verbally in response to questions |
by3exd025 | 0/1 | Imitates a two-word utterance |
by3exd026 | 0/1 | Uses a two-word utterance |
by3exd027 | 0/1 | Names Object Series: 3 Object |
by3exd028 | 0/1 | Names Picture Series: 5 Pictures |
by3exd029 | 0/1 | Uses multiple-word utterances |
by3exd030 | 0/1 | Uses pronouns |
by3exd031 | 0/1 | Names Action Picture Series: 1 Picture |
by3exd032 | 0/1 | Poses multiple-word questions |
by3exd033 | 0/1 | Makes a contingent utterance |
by3exd034 | 0/1 | Uses verb +ing |
by3exd035 | 0/1 | Names Action Picture Series: 3 Pictures |
by3exd036 | 0/1 | Uses different word combinations |
by3exd037 | 0/1 | Names Action Picture Series: 5 Pictures |
by3exd038 | 0/1 | Uses plurals |
by3exd039 | 0/1 | Answers what or where questions |
by3exd040 | 0/1 | Uses possessives |
by3exd041 | 0/1 | Names 4 colours |
by3exd042 | 0/1 | Answers questions logically (Related to functions) |
by3exd043 | 0/1 | Tells how an object is used |
by3exd044 | 0/1 | Uses prepositions |
by3exd045 | 0/1 | Uses present progressive form |
by3exd046 | 0/1 | Describes Pictures Series: Uses 4-5 word sentences |
by3exd047 | 0/1 | Describes Pictures Series: Uses past tense |
by3exd048 | 0/1 | Describes Pictures Series: Uses future tense |
by3fmd016 | 0/1 | Reaches unilaterally |
by3fmd017 | 0/1 | Food Pellet Series: Raking grasp |
by3fmd018 | 0/1 | Block Series: Partial thumb opposition |
by3fmd019 | 0/1 | Transfers ring |
by3fmd020 | 0/1 | Food Pellet Series: Whole hand grasp |
by3fmd021 | 0/1 | Transfers block |
by3fmd022 | 0/1 | Block Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp |
by3fmd023 | 0/1 | Brings spoons or blocks to midline |
by3fmd024 | 0/1 | Food Pellet Series: Partial thumb opposition |
by3fmd025 | 0/1 | Lifts cup by the handle |
by3fmd026 | 0/1 | Food Pellet Series: Thumb-fingertip grasp |
by3fmd027 | 0/1 | Turns pages of books |
by3fmd028 | 0/1 | Grasp series: Palmar grasp |
by3fmd029 | 0/1 | Isolates extended ring finger |
by3fmd030 | 0/1 | Scribbles spontaneously |
by3fmd031 | 0/1 | Block Stacking Series: 2 blocks |
by3fmd032 | 0/1 | Imitates Stroke Series: Random |
by3fmd033 | 0/1 | Places 10 pellets in bottle (60 seconds) |
by3fmd034 | 0/1 | Grasp series: Transitional grasp |
by3fmd035 | 0/1 | Coins in slot |
by3fmd036 | 0/1 | Connecting Blocks: Apart |
by3fmd037 | 0/1 | Grasp Series: Intermediate (Tripod) grasp |
by3fmd038 | 0/1 | Block stacking Series: 6 blocks |
by3fmd039 | 0/1 | Uses hand to hold paper in place |
by3fmd040 | 0/1 | Imitates Strokes Series: Horizontal |
by3fmd041 | 0/1 | Imitates Strokes Series: Vertical |
by3fmd042 | 0/1 | Connecting Blocks: Together |
by3fmd043 | 0/1 | Imitates Strokes Series: Circular |
by3fmd044 | 0/1 | Builds train of blocks |
by3fmd045 | 0/1 | Strings 3 blocks |
by3fmd046 | 0/1 | Imitates hand movements |
by3fmd047 | 0/1 | Snips paper |
by3fmd048 | 0/1 | Grasp Series: Dynamic grasp |
by3fmd049 | 0/1 | Tactilely discriminates shapes |
by3fmd050 | 0/1 | Builds wall |
by3fmd051 | 0/1 | Cuts paper |
by3fmd052 | 0/1 | Builds bridge |
by3fmd053 | 0/1 | Imitates plus sign |
by3fmd054 | 0/1 | Block stacking Series: 8 blocks |
by3fmd055 | 0/1 | Cuts on line |
by3fmd056 | 0/1 | Builds T |
by3fmd057 | 0/1 | Buttons 1 button |
by3fmd058 | 0/1 | Builds steps |
by3fmd059 | 0/1 | Traces designs |
by3fmd060 | 0/1 | Imitates square |
by3fmd061 | 0/1 | Copies plus sign |
by3fmd062 | 0/1 | Tapbs fingers |
by3fmd063 | 0/1 | Places 20 pellets in bottle |
by3fmd064 | 0/1 | Cuts circle |
by3fmd065 | 0/1 | Cuts square |
by3fmd066 | 0/1 | Copies square |
by3gmd019 | 0/1 | Sits with Support Series: 30 seconds |
by3gmd020 | 0/1 | Rolls from back to sides |
by3gmd021 | 0/1 | Elevates Trunk while Prone Series: Extended arms |
by3gmd022 | 0/1 | Sits with Support Series: 5 seconds |
by3gmd023 | 0/1 | Pulls up to sit |
by3gmd024 | 0/1 | Grasps foot with hands |
by3gmd025 | 0/1 | Rolls from back to stomach |
by3gmd026 | 0/1 | Sits without Support Series: 30 seconds |
by3gmd027 | 0/1 | Sits without support and holds objects |
by3gmd028 | 0/1 | Rotates trunk while seated |
by3gmd029 | 0/1 | Makes stepping movements |
by3gmd030 | 0/1 | Crawls Series: On stomach |
by3gmd031 | 0/1 | Crawls Series: Crawl position |
by3gmd032 | 0/1 | Moves from sitting to hands and knees |
by3gmd033 | 0/1 | Supports weight |
by3gmd034 | 0/1 | Crawls Series: Crawl movement |
by3gmd035 | 0/1 | Raises self to standing position |
by3gmd036 | 0/1 | Bounces while standing |
by3gmd037 | 0/1 | Walks Series: With support |
by3gmd038 | 0/1 | Walks sideways with support |
by3gmd039 | 0/1 | Sits down with control |
by3gmd040 | 0/1 | Stands alone |
by3gmd041 | 0/1 | Stands up Series: Alone |
by3gmd042 | 0/1 | Walks Series: Alone |
by3gmd043 | 0/1 | Walks Series: Alone with coordination |
by3gmd044 | 0/1 | Throws ball |
by3gmd045 | 0/1 | Squats without support |
by3gmd046 | 0/1 | Stands up Series: Mature |
by3gmd047 | 0/1 | Walks Up Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, with support |
by3gmd048 | 0/1 | Walks backward 2 steps |
by3gmd049 | 0/1 | Walks Down Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, with suppo |
by3gmd050 | 0/1 | Runs with coordination |
by3gmd051 | 0/1 | Balances on Right Foot Series: With support |
by3gmd052 | 0/1 | Balances on Left Foot Series: With support |
by3gmd053 | 0/1 | Walks sideways without support |
by3gmd054 | 0/1 | Jumps from bottom step |
by3gmd055 | 0/1 | Kicks ball |
by3gmd056 | 0/1 | Walks forward on path |
by3gmd057 | 0/1 | Walks Up Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, alone. |
by3gmd058 | 0/1 | Walks Down Stairs Series: Both feet on each step, alone |
by3gmd059 | 0/1 | Jumps Forward Series: 4 inches |
by3gmd060 | 0/1 | Balances on right Foot Series: 2 seconds, alone |
by3gmd061 | 0/1 | Balances on Left Foot Series: 2 seconds, alone |
by3gmd062 | 0/1 | Walks on tiptoes 4 steps |
by3gmd063 | 0/1 | Walks backward close to path |
by3gmd064 | 0/1 | Walks Up Stairs Series: Alternating feet, alone |
by3gmd065 | 0/1 | Imitates postures |
by3gmd066 | 0/1 | Stops from a full run |
by3gmd067 | 0/1 | Walks Down Stairs Series: Alternating feet, alone |
by3gmd068 | 0/1 | Hops 5 feet |
by3gmd069 | 0/1 | Balances on Right Foot Series: 8 seconds, alone |
by3gmd070 | 0/1 | Balances on Left Foot Series: 8 seconds, alone |
by3gmd071 | 0/1 | Walks heel to toe |
by3gmd072 | 0/1 | Jumps Forward Series: 24 inches |
by3red006 | 0/1 | Searches with head turn |
by3red007 | 0/1 | Discriminates sounds |
by3red008 | 0/1 | Sustained play with objects |
by3red009 | 0/1 | Responds to name |
by3red010 | 0/1 | Interrupts activity |
by3red011 | 0/1 | Recognizes 2 familiar words |
by3red012 | 0/1 | Responds to no-no |
by3red013 | 0/1 | Attends to other's play routine |
by3red014 | 0/1 | Responds to request for social routines |
by3red015 | 0/1 | Identifies Object Series: 1 correct |
by3red016 | 0/1 | Identifies object in the environment |
by3red017 | 0/1 | Identifies Picture Series: 1 correct |
by3red018 | 0/1 | Understands inhibitory words |
by3red019 | 0/1 | Identifies Object Series: 3 correct |
by3red020 | 0/1 | Follows one-part directions |
by3red021 | 0/1 | Identifies Picture Series: 3 Correct |
by3red022 | 0/1 | Identifies 3 clothing items |
by3red023 | 0/1 | Identifies Action Picture Series: 1 correct |
by3red024 | 0/1 | Identifies 5 parts of the body |
by3red025 | 0/1 | Follows two-part directions |
by3red026 | 0/1 | Identifies Action Picture Series: 3 correct |
by3red027 | 0/1 | Understands use of objects |
by3red028 | 0/1 | Understands part/whole relationships |
by3red029 | 0/1 | Identifies Action Picture Series: 5 correct |
by3red030 | 0/1 | Understands pronouns (him, me, my, you, your) |
by3red031 | 0/1 | Understands labels for sizes |
by3red032 | 0/1 | Understands Preposition Series: 2 correct |
by3red033 | 0/1 | Understands possessives |
by3red034 | 0/1 | Understands verb +ing |
by3red035 | 0/1 | Identifies colours |
by3red036 | 0/1 | Understands label of one |
by3red037 | 0/1 | Understands pronouns (they, he, she) |
by3red038 | 0/1 | Understands pronouns (his, her) |
by3red039 | 0/1 | Understands plurals |
by3red040 | 0/1 | Understands more |
by3red041 | 0/1 | Understands most |
by3red042 | 0/1 | Understands Preposition Series: 4 correct |
by3red043 | 0/1 | Understands negatives in sentences |
by3red044 | 0/1 | Understands past tense |
by3red045 | 0/1 | Understands labels for mass |
by3red046 | 0/1 | Understands least |
by3red047 | 0/1 | Understands less |
by3red048 | 0/1 | Understands descriptive labels |
by3red049 | 0/1 | Identifies categories of objects |
The combination of subjid
and agedays
identifies each unique visit (row).
Instruments: Bayley III (by3
Attanasio OP, Fernández C, Fitzsimons EOA, Grantham-McGregor SM, Meghir C, Rubio-Codina M. Using the infrastructure of a conditional cash transfer program to deliver a scalable integrated early child development program in Colombia: cluster randomized controlled trial. BMJ. 2014;349.
[Package childdevdata version 1.1.0 Index]