edges_to_sf {chessboard}R Documentation

Convert edge list to spatial object


Converts an edge list to an sf spatial object of type LINESTRING with one row per edge.


edges_to_sf(edges, sites)



a data.frame with the following two columns: from (the first node of the edge) and to (the second node of the edge). The output of the functions create_edge_list() or append_edge_lists().


an sf object of type POINT. A spatial object with coordinates of sites (nodes). Note that the first column must be the node labels.


An sf spatial object of type LINESTRING where the number of rows correspond to the number of edges.


# Import Adour sites ----
path_to_file <- system.file("extdata", "adour_survey_sampling.csv", 
                            package = "chessboard")
adour_sites  <- read.csv(path_to_file)

# Select first location ----
adour_sites <- adour_sites[adour_sites$"location" == 1, ]

# Create node labels ----
adour_nodes <- create_node_labels(data     = adour_sites, 
                                  location = "location", 
                                  transect = "transect", 
                                  quadrat = "quadrat")

# Find edges with 1 degree of neighborhood (pawn method) ----
adour_edges <- create_edge_list(adour_nodes, method = "pawn", 
                                directed = TRUE)

# Convert sites to spatial POINT ----
adour_sites_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(adour_nodes, coords = 5:6, crs = "epsg:2154")

# Convert edges to spatial LINESTRING ----
edges_sf <- edges_to_sf(adour_edges, adour_sites_sf)

# Visualization ----
plot(sf::st_geometry(adour_sites_sf), pch = 19)
plot(sf::st_geometry(edges_sf), add = TRUE)

# Find edges with 1 degree of neighborhood (pawn and bishop methods) ----
adour_edges_1 <- create_edge_list(adour_nodes, method = "pawn", 
                                  directed = TRUE)
adour_edges_2 <- create_edge_list(adour_nodes, method = "bishop", 
                                  directed = TRUE)

# Append edges ----
adour_edges <- append_edge_lists(adour_edges_1, adour_edges_2)

# Convert sites to spatial POINT ----
adour_sites_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(adour_nodes, coords = 5:6, crs = "epsg:2154")

# Convert edges to spatial LINESTRING ----
edges_sf <- edges_to_sf(adour_edges, adour_sites_sf)

# Visualization ----
plot(sf::st_geometry(adour_sites_sf), pch = 19)
plot(sf::st_geometry(edges_sf), add = TRUE)

[Package chessboard version 0.1 Index]